Thursday, March 21, 2024

Good Credit Score

Obtaining a decent financing rate and snagging a good deal on big-ticket items like cars and a home often depends on the quality of your credit score. There are a lot of things you can do to keep yours high.  Get a copy of your credit report. You can review your credit report for free once a year through, so take advantage! This is your opportunity to make sure your data hasn’t been compromised and inaccuracies haven’t slipped through since you last reviewed. Look for variations of your name, unfamiliar addresses, and accounts you didn’t open. Your information may have gotten mixed up with someone else’s, or you may have caught an identity thief in the act.  Dispute errors. If there is inaccurate information on your credit report, file disputes with the lender and bureau(s) reporting the error(s). If you have documentation proving your case but the creditor believes the notation is accurate, a credit bureau agent will review the documentation instead of simply siding with the creditor.  Pay more and charge less. Paying off debt is one of the best things you can do to improve your credit score. Keep any credit balances you have to a minimum. Don’t close unused accounts if you don’t need to (especially if you’ve had the credit account for more than 3 years).  Always pay the bills. Payment history makes up a significant amount of your score. Pay all of your bills on time and, even if you can’t pay something off completely, at least make the minimum payment.

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