Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Depression isn’t talked about often, but about 7% of adults in the United States (nearly 16 million people) have shown signs of being depressed in the past year. If you know someone who shows signs of depression, here are four tips to help your friend or loved one: 1. Recognize symptoms. Common signs include lack of interest in things the person used to enjoy, problems with sleeping, showing feelings of hopelessness, and withdrawal from daily activities and conversations. 2. Listen. Do not deny what the person has to say. Instead, validate their feelings. Keep in mind that speech may be slow and less coherent, so be patient. 3. Encourage them to find help. You can provide support and listen to their concerns, but a trained professional should assist with long-term care. Offer to help find information for mental health resources or make an appointment, if necessary. 4. Enlist help from others. If they are resistant, talk to other important people in their lives (such as family, clergy, or healthcare professionals) to ensure they get the help they need. If your loved one may be suicidal, don’t assume the situation will simply pass. Let them know you take their feelings seriously, and offer to accompany them to the hospital. Call their doctor or your own for advice if you need help deciding what to do. If it’s an emergency, call 911; responders are trained to deal with mental health crises. You can call the National Suicide Prevention hotline 24 hours a day for help and information at 800-273-TALK. You can also chat online with someone at: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

Monday, February 27, 2023

Happiness Boosters

If you find yourself wallowing in negativity, science says you should do the following to improve your mood: • Volunteer. Donate a few hours to help in your community or give money to a good cause (check charitynavigator.org for ideas). • Flip through photos. Hang a few at eye level throughout your home for quick viewing. • Create a gratitude list. Write down a few things that you are thankful for in your life. Be specific. Tuck the list away and pull it out when you feel a case of the crummies coming on. • Let the light in. Sunshine lifts spirits and aids in sounder sleep at night.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Northwest Harvest

More Washingtonians are struggling with food insecurity in the these inflationary times. Northwest Harvest was founded as a non-profit in Seattle in 1967 and supports 370 food banks and meal programs in the state. Northwest Harvest provides meals to anyone in need without verification while respecting their dignity and promoting good health. Their mission is to help people make tough choices between essential needs like rent and medicine and feeding themselves a little easier. They distribute an average of two million meals each month through distribution centers in Kent, Yakima, and Spokane. They offer volunteer assignments at their distribution centers and collect nonperishable food around the holidays. northwestharvest.org

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Live Longer - Get a Pet

1. Heart Benefits. The American Journal of Cardiology reports pet owners are more likely to survive a heart attack than those who don’t own a pet. Another study found people who owned a dog were more likely to be alive one year after a heart attack than those who didn’t have a dog. 2. Lower Blood Pressure. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that pets help lower blood pressure (and heart rates). An American study found men who owned a cat had a lower resting heart rate and lower blood pressure than men who didn’t own a cat. And after a stressful event, their blood pressure returned to normal more quickly. 3. Mood Elevator. People, particularly seniors, who own pets are less likely to be depressed and lonely. Pets can provide companionship, humor, and add playfulness to our daily lives. 4. Kids and Health. Research presented at the 10th International Conference on Human Animal Interaction 2004 found that children who have pets have fewer sick days. They also reported that children who had pets had higher levels of self-esteem and functioned better emotionally. Research studies also found that children with pets coped better with divorce. 5. An Exercise Buddy. Dogs need regular exercise, which also gets their owners walking. This can improve their overall health. As an added benefit people improve their social network as they socialize their pet.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Don’t Pass The Salt!

Americans consume almost two times the recommended amount of salt everyday! Most salt is hidden inside common foods...spaghetti, soup, pizza, and especially frozen dinners. Too much salt can increase your blood pressure...and high blood pressure can wreak havoc on your heart, brain, and kidneys. The average person should eat no more than 2,400 mg. of sodium daily, which is the equivalent of one heaping teaspoon a day. The average American eats over 4,000 mg. a day, and 75 percent of it from processed food and restaurant meals, according to Dr. Stephen Havas, a researcher at the University of Maryland. So before you buy food at the store, check the nutrition labels. Ask yourself, how much sodium is in one serving. Remember restaurant food can have even more sodium, so watch what you order. Ask for low-sodium entrees, or select fresh salads, and avoid those French fries. Cutting salt could save your life!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Lose The Cruise On Slick Roads!

The American Automobile Association recommends turning off your cruise control when it’s raining or snowing. Tapping the brakes will usually disengage the cruise control. Roads covered with snow or ice are dangerous. And when driving on rain soaked roads at high speeds (60 mph or above) hydroplaning can occur, where there can be total separation of the tire from the pavement. On wet and snowy roads, the AAA recommends: 1. Slow down and turn off your cruise control. 2. Avoid hard brakes and sharp turns. 3. Stay in the tracks of the car in front of you and increase your distance behind the car.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Live Well

We all want to feel better, look better, and live as if we are a finely tuned instrument, or well-maintained vehicle. Here are some tips I’ll share to get you started on the road to feeling, looking, and living better and increasing your chances for enjoying life. Your age is just a number fight, fight, fight!! 1. Smile. Researchers at Harvard found that people with positive attitudes are more likely to have fewer heart ailments. 2. Take Monday Off. Researchers in New York found that missing a few days of work lowers your risk for stroke by 30 percent…not to mention most heart attacks occur on Monday morning! 3. Eat Oatmeal Cookies. University of Connecticut researchers found that eating oat-bran cookies daily can lower your LDL cholesterol by 20 percent. 4. Go To Bed Early. People who are fatigued have high levels of fibrinogen, a blood-clotting protein that reduces blood flow to your heart and brain. 5. Wash Your Hands. German scientists found people with high levels of antibodies from fighting infections also had more clogging of their arteries. 6. Read A Good Book. Need I say more? 7. Meditate 30 Minutes A Day. Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University found meditation may reduce depression and anxiety by up to 25 percent. 8. Drink Cranberry Juice. People who drink 8 ounces of cranberry juice a day increase their HDL cholesterol levels by 10 percent…reducing heart risk by 40 percent, according a New Jersey study. 9. Bike Your Blues Away. Biking was found to be as effective at relieving depression as antidepressants reported Duke University researchers. 10. Join A Group. People who have a circle of friends handle stress better and have less heart disease, according to University of Chicago researchers.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Get Back On Track

One of the best ways to stay fit is to have at least one athletic hobby: walking, swimming, bowling, tennis, golf, skiing, bicycling or even dancing. If you enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll stick with it. Second, a workout partner can make the time go by more quickly, and you can have fun at the same time. Whether it’s a family member, friend or co-worker, a workout partner will encourage you on the days you may want to slide. Third, hire a trainer if you have trouble maintaining an exercise program. A trainer can guide you through a program that works for you. Remember to vary your workouts. This prevents overworking certain muscle groups, and it will keep you motivated.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Sweet Drinks Add too Many Calories

How many soft drinks or other sugar-added drink do you consume a day? One, two, five, or more? There’s an alarming trend occurring in the American diet—soft drinks and other sugar-added drinks are becoming the main source of calories. According to researchers at Tufts University, the average American consumes enough sweet drinks each day that add up to more calories than any other food source. In the study, researchers collected data to study the relationship between obesity and certain foods. What they found was shocking! Two-thirds of the people sampled reported that they consumed enough sweet drinks to provide them with more daily calories than any other food source. Want to lose weight? Limit your sweet drinks.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Success in Life

Albert Schweitzer once wrote, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Here are seven steps you can take today to achieve more happiness and success in your life: 1. Believe In Yourself. Identify your natural talents and abilities. Do what you enjoy and what you do best. Truly successful and happy people find joy in their working lives. Invest your time in what you do best. Focus on your strengths and not your weaknesses. 2. Develop a Vision. First, define your path and start working your plan. Write down a vision for yourself and your life. Be specific. What do you want to accomplish? What do you want your life to look like in 5 years, 10 years? 3. Develop Good Habits. Happy and successful people choose good habits. If you’re watching too much TV, chronically late, or eating poorly, make a commitment to change your bad habits into habits consistent with your goals. 4. Show Gratitude. The happiest people are also the most grateful people. Count your blessings frequently and you’ll quickly start seeing a change in yourself and the world around you. 5. Take A Chance. Seize opportunities! Success and happiness does not come to those who sit and wait for it to be brought to them. 6. Give to Others. Studies reveal that the happiest people are also the most generous. Do, say, or give something nice to another and see how your own life improves. 7. Take Responsibility. You hold the key to your future. Take responsibility for your actions. Choose the work you like to do, and do it well. Ultimately, you are the master of your fate. You choose your own future by the decisions you make and the actions you take.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Just Relax

Even though modern life has countless benefits (most people these days aren’t churning their own butter, for instance), those benefits come with countless additional stressors. Everyone feels pressed for time, and self-care often takes a back seat. Next time you need a break from the everyday grind, here are some relaxing activities to try that don’t involve eating or drinking anything. • Meditating: Simply resting quietly for a few minutes while concentrating on your breathing helps relax the body and mind. • Reading: Put down all the electronics and get lost in a good book. • Working on a Puzzle: If you have the space, keep an in-progress puzzle available at all times for when you want even just 10 or 15 minutes of relaxation in the middle of a hectic day. • Organizing: Many people find cleaning and organizing their spaces extremely relaxing, both the process and the result. • Doing an Art Project: Grab a coloring book and a set of colored pens or pencils. Take a sketchbook on your next walk. Learn origami. Play your favorite instrument. • Playing a Game: Shuffle a deck of cards for a game or two of solitaire. Pick up the newspaper’s crossword puzzle. Or, if you have friends or family around, get everyone involved in a fun board game.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Walk for a Longer Life

According the U.S. Centers for Disease Control the most beneficial exercise we can do on a regular basis is…walking! All you need is a good pair of shoes and few hours a week to do a simple aerobic conditioning activity that really works. The benefits are substantial – walking helps your heart, lungs, circulatory system, and controls body weight. The positive impact of walking is similar to that of running or jogging without stressful wear and tear on your joints, knees, and shins. If you don’t follow any other exercise program, just simple outdoor walking could add many healthy years to your life.  A Brisk Walk Is Best. You should be able to carry on a conversation and have your breathing slightly elevated.  It’s Easy—Just Walk 20 Minutes A Day. Start slowly, and then build up to longer, faster paced walks. Stretch your muscles (especially the calves and hamstring muscles) before and after you walk. For the best benefit, make a commitment to walk everyday. A recent study in Germany found that walking just two hours a week can cut your risk of heart disease in half!  Walking Relieves Stress And Invigorates Your Mind And Body. Walking will make your heart stronger, improve your lung capacity, and the efficiency of your breathing. Walking circulates more oxygen through your body and is very effective in lowering your blood pressure. A regular walking routine can be your best preventative medicine – greatly lowering your risk of stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and even depression.  People Who Walk Live Longer. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted an 11-year study of 2,896 adults in their late 50’s who had been diagnosed with diabetes. Researchers found those subjects who walked just two hours a week had a 39 percent lower death rate from all causes! They speculate that if every healthy person in the United States walked briskly just 30 minutes a day, the incidence of many chronic diseases would go down 30 to 40 percent. So grab your shoes and get walking…your body will be glad you did!

Friday, February 10, 2023


Charitable giving comes in many forms, but the latest trend is toward microphilanthropy, which involves direct interaction between individual donors and projects. This giving is popular because donors can give small amounts that make a big difference and choose where their money goes. Some examples include DonorsChoose.org, which funds specific project requests from teachers in U.S. public schools; GlobalGiving.org, a marketplace that connects donors to 1,000 pre-screened grassroots charity projects around the world; ModestNeeds.org, which assists families who are unable to pay their monthly bills; and Kiva.org, which is peer-to-peer micro-lending to the applicant of the donor’s choice. You can check out these organizations, get tips on setting your philanthropic goals for 2011 and research more than 5,500 other charities by visiting www.charitynavigator.org, an independent charity evaluator.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Memory Boosters!

Have you misplaced your keys again? If you’re like most people, it’s an occasional annoyance. But if it’s happening more frequently than you’d like to admit, maybe it’s time for some memory boosters to help strengthen your mind. Here are five easy tips to improve your memory power: 1. Keep Items Where You’ll Need Them. Keep your keys by the front door; eye glasses in the same place everyday, and wallet/purse in the same location. 2. Keep A Notebook With A Calendar. Keep names, phone numbers, important dates, medical information, to do lists, and a notepad. Carry it with you (or carry a small notepad), so you can jot down information as needed. 3. Minimize Distractions. Focus on one thing at a time. Turn off the TV or radio when you need to focus your attention on a task. 4. Exercise Your Mind. Read, do crossword puzzles, play cards, chess, or a musical instrument to keep your mind active. Watch television shows like Jeopardy. 5. Take Care Of Your Body. Go for a walk, swim, or bicycle. It’ll clear your mind. And remember to eat a balanced diet and get enough rest!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Thank You Bob Del Bianco

Bob talked me into leaving Krauses Sofa Factory and my successful career to begin a new chapter. This marks my 23th year as a Realtor and I love my job! There are ups and downs of course but the satisfaction of helping people with such an important decision and the never ending learning is very rewarding! Bob began his career as a sales person, then founded Del Bianco Realty and was past president of the MLS. He took the time to train me right and I am proud to call him a friend and a mentor. I strive to follow his example and provide outstanding service as he did for over 40 years in the real estate business. This is a service business and he never forgot that the most important piece of the puzzle is you my friends/clients! Thank you Bob!

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

NW Resorts Offer Off-Season Rates

Winter is a great time to explore some of our states beautiful resort properties for a substantial discount. We can still get nice days and with fewer tourists you can appreciate these resorts without the big crowds. • Suncadia Resort – This time of year enjoy their cross country ski trails, winery, drives to Salmon La Sac and explore historic Roslyn. • Semiahmoo Resort – This time of year walk the beaches, build a raging fire, on a nice day rent a boat, or day trip to Vancouver BC. • Sun Mountain Lodge – The winter views will be amazing right now! Horse drawn carriage rides or a snowshoeing adventure. • Quinault Beach Resort – Ocean Shores is a nice place to be even if it rains. Enjoy a long walk or take a drive on the beach. • Bandon Dunes Golf Resort – Top golf resort in the nation. This time of year the winds usually slow down a little. I been there in the winter several times. There is not a bad time to be at Bandon!

Monday, February 6, 2023

Van Gogh Seattle Exhibit

Have you ever wanted to step into a painting? Since 2017 over 5 million visitors have enjoyed this immersive experience. The light and sound spectacular exhibit features two-story projections of the artist’s most compelling works. Relax and unwind while admiring Van Gogh’s works in a room with 360 digital projections. Plan on a visit of 60-90 minutes and of course a stop in the gift shop. Group bookings are encouraged as well as a VIP option. 1750 Occidental Ave S OpenWed-Sun from 10:00am. – Prices start at $39.90 per person. 213-277-2954 / www.vangoghexpo.com

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Color Scheme Websites

Whether you’re redecorating a room, designing a website, or just looking for inspiration to add pop to your wardrobe, there are several websites that help you create beautiful color schemes. Coolers: coolors.co/ The Coolers site (also available as an app and a Chrome extension) creates color palettes based on images you can upload, or you can simply browse their endless array of popular color schemes. Muzli: colors.muz.li/ With Muzli’s color palette generator, you start with one color and Muzli offers options for other colors that coordinate well with it. Colormind: colormind.io/ Like many similar websites, Colormind will produce color palettes based on images you choose or offer random color schemes for inspiration—but Colormind lets you save the colors/lock them until you land on a palette you love.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Improve Gas Mileage

No matter how much you drive, improving fuel economy saves money and the environment. Here are some easy ways to make a tank of gas go further.  Keep Tires Properly Inflated – Check your tires weekly and inflate to recommended levels.  Slow Down – Going the speed limit uses less fuel (a highway speed of 65 instead of 75 mph can use up to 15% less fuel).  Change Speed Gradually – Sudden braking or acceleration uses much more fuel than increasing or decreasing speed in a gradual way.  Don’t Let the Engine Idle – If you’ll be stopped for more than a minute, shut your car off rather than letting it idle.  Combine Trips – Map out a sensible route for errands and do them in succession rather than going back and forth across town.  Reduce Drag – When you’re not using the roof rack to haul camping gear or a bicycle, taking it off makes your car more aerodynamic.  Perform Regular Maintenance – Regular oil changes, new air filters, and spark plugs all help your car run more efficiently.