Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Avoid These Mistakes To Keep Your Home Safe From Burglars

Experienced burglars do their homework before breaking into your home, and you’re making it easier for them! Surveys conducted of convicted burglars reveal the following common mistakes to avoid:  Putting your door key under a potted plant, welcome mat, or rock. Better idea: Give an extra key to a neighbor.  Leaving a note on the front door for a visitor, that says you’ll be back soon. An experienced burglar only needs five minutes to make a clean sweep of your home. Better idea: Text your visitor, letting them know when you’ll be back.  Hiding valuables in the bedroom. The first places burglars look are the underwear drawer, between the mattress, and on the highest shelf of the master bedroom closet. Better idea: Use a safe or safety deposit box for high-priced items.  Leaving big boxes from high-ticket items on the curb. New electronics have a higher value for resale. Better idea: Fold or cut the box into pieces and hide it in a trash can.  Not stopping newspaper and mail delivery and leaving a light on when out of town. A pile of papers and no lights on are easy clues no one is home. Better idea: Have a neighbor pick the items up, and buy a timer to turn your lights on and off to make it appear you’re home.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Relieve Computer Pain In 3 Easy Steps

If you spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer, you may be experiencing fatigue, as well as aches and pains in your neck, back, shoulders, eyes, wrists, and legs.  Relieve the discomfort by following these tips:

STEP #1:  Give your body support to avoid aches and pains:
·     Invest in a good lumbar chair and adjust it so your feet rest comfortably on the floor.  Press your bottom against the back of the chair and use a lumbar cushion that causes your lower back to arch slightly.  Keep your knees in line with your hips or raised slightly above them.   Never slump or slouch forward.
·     Sit close to the desk so your upper arms are parallel to your spine and your elbows are at a 90-degree angle to the keyboard.  Put the mouse close to the keyboard to keep your arm from being fully extended.  Give your wrists proper support so they rest in a neutral position.
·     Place the monitor so your gaze is aimed at the center of the screen, which should be 15 to 25 inches away from your eyes. 

STEP #2:  Move regularly to avoid stiffness and eye strain:
·     Stand, stretch, and walk at least a minute or two every half hour.  To stretch, reach both arms above your head.  Grasp each elbow and lean gently to each side and feel the side of your body release tension.
·     Avoid “computer vision syndrome” (headaches and eye strain are symptoms) by using the 20-20-20 rule:  Every 20 minutes, look away 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. 

STEP #3:  Stay hydrated and nourished to avoid fatigue:
·     Drink water (or other fluids) to flush out some of the mineral build-up that occurs in inactive muscles.
·     Eat healthy snacks like fruit and nuts at your desk to maintain your energy and productivity.  

Friday, October 26, 2012

How To Invest As You Age

Financial investments should change as you move through the stages of your life. Consider these strategies to make better use of your hard-earned money. During your 30s and 40s: These are years of increasing income and increasing demands for your money, particularly providing for your children. • Life insurance is relatively inexpensive at this stage of your life. Buying a policy also is a way of providing for your family’s future. • 529 plans offer tax-advantaged savings for your children’s education. For details, which vary by state, go to www.savingforcollege.com. • Annuities can be a good addition to an IRA or 401k retirement account, and usually have tax-deferred options and guaranteed life income. During your 50s: Prepare for a well-funded retirement during these years. • Remove all risks from your retirement plan. Think about a retirement date and your ability to meet that date. Reduce investments in such things as your employer’s company. • Take advantage of slowing expenses. You are at the top of your earning power, and big expenses, like children living at home, are likely reduced. Consider paying off your mortgage or increasing your investments. During your 60s and beyond: This is a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. • Test living on projected income before stopping work. If your expected retirement income will be 70 percent of your current paycheck, set aside 30 percent now and see what it’s like to live on the rest. Apply for Social Security and Medicare. Visit these sites to help you make important decisions about these programs: www.socialsecurity.gov and www.medicare.gov.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Do you Suffer from Chronic Headaches?

Headache pain is one of the top ten reasons for absenteeism in the workplace and schools. The migraine headache strikes 18 percent of women, 6 percent of men and (surprisingly) 8 percent of children. Migraines are throbbing headaches that affect only one side of the head and can be accompanied by vision complications, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. The duration of a migraine can last from a few hours to a few days. A variety of foods, the body’s own hormones, and environmental stimuli can trigger migraines. Migraine sufferers should avoid beer, red wine, monosodium glutamate (used liberally in Chinese foods), certain cheeses, yogurt, and smoked fish. Sodium nitrate, found in bacon, cold cuts, and hot dogs is also a known cause. Caffeine and chocolate also may be connected with migraines. Fluctuations in hormones can cause migraines. It can affect men, but it especially affects women during their monthly cycle – possibly due to fluctuations in estrogen and serotonin levels in the body. Sixty percent of female migraine sufferers have them in relation to their monthly cycle. People on long-term prescription medications or painkillers like aspirin and acetaminophen can experience a “boomerang” effect when medications are stopped. The body may go into withdrawal, triggering a massive migraine. A magnesium deficiency may also trigger migraines, and has been correlated to the migraine-like symptoms of early fibromyalgia. Can anything be done for sufferers of migraine headaches? The answer is yes. There are new prescription medications for treatment of migraines, but simpler natural solutions may effectively eliminate or lessen migraine suffering with less cost and side effects. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Watch what you eat. Keep a food diary, and notice the effects of the food listed above. If symptoms appear up to 18 hours after eating, avoid the food. 2. Try the herb “feverfew.” This potent herb reduces the release of serotonin and the production of an inflammatory substance known as prostaglandins. Both of these events in the body are associated with migraines. Taken regularly, it has been shown to prevent future attacks. 3. Take 800 mg. of L-carnitine a day. The amino acid L-carnitine decreases the sensitivity of the body’s nervous system to fluctuating oxygen levels, one of the key migraine triggers. 4. Take a calcium and magnesium supplement daily. These two minerals work in tandem to reduce the duration and severity of migraine attacks.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Resumes Pet Peeves

Finding a new job may be the first step to getting ahead and making more money. One of the biggest roadblocks to your success may be your resume. A resume is a tool to let a potential employer know why you’re the right person for the job. When you’re looking for a job, how you present yourself to a potential employer is critical. Human resources recruiters receive thousands of resumes a year. Typically, they look for a reason to eliminate resumes up front. Here are 10 of the biggest mistakes people make on their resumes: 1. Typo’s, spelling errors, and poor grammar. 2. Missing information (contact information, dates, or inaccurate dates). 3. Lengthy resumes. (Limit to two pages.) 4. Unprofessional email addresses. 5. Poorly formatted. (Use a simple, clean design.) 6. Functional resumes as opposed to chronological resumes. 7. Long, wordy paragraphs. (Use bullet-points.) 8. Unqualified candidates. (Make sure you meet the qualifications.) 9. Personal info unrelated to the job. 10. Use of false or misleading information. Lying about education, dates of employment, or experience.) For valuable information about job seeking tips and resumes, go to http://www.resumedoctor.com/ResourceCenter.htm

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Five Auto Maintenance Myths

Hit the brakes! You may be spending unnecessarily on car maintenance. Here’s how you can save money: For starters...make sure you read your owner’s manual! Most newer cars require a lot less maintenance than your family’s first car. Here are 6 more tips… 1. Oil Change. Some newer cars call for oil changes every 10,000 miles; the industry recommends every 7,500 miles. If you follow the factory schedule, your car will be in good shape well past the warranty period. 2. Lubricating The Chassis. Cars built in the past 10 years don’t require lubrication. Adding grease may end up costing you $$$. 3. Standard Tune-up. New cars have computer-controlled engines making the standard tune-up unnecessary. (No points and rotors...and some don’t have the standard distributor caps). 4. Flushing The Automatic Transmission System. Check your owner’s manual, but most manufacturers say it’s not needed until 60,000 miles. 5. Draining The Radiator. Most cars have closed systems and no longer need the radiator flushed twice a year. A new car’s coolant can last up to two years before it needs changing. 6. Changing Filters. Filters need replacing, but not at every oil change. Check your owner’s manual for recommended replacement intervals For more information, or to find a mechanic in your area, check the Car Talk section of http://www.cars.com.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Overeating Triggers ...And How To Avoid Them!

Why do we overeat? While not all of us struggle with weight (yes, there are a few out there who don’t) most of us do have triggers that can cause us to overeat and consume up to an extra 500 calories per day. Here are a four overeating triggers and tips on how to avoid them: Emotional Triggers. Stress, frustration, and worry are just a few of the emotions that can trigger overeating. Have a plan to deal with these feelings without food...go for a walk, bike ride, or talk with a friend. Situational Triggers. Overeating has a pattern. TV is a big food trigger. Focus on what you’re eating without any distractions (don’t watch TV or read while eating). Set a time to stop eating (after 7 p.m.) Low Energy Triggers. People tend to overeat when they are tired and need an energy boost. Identify your low energy times, and plan to do something else (or have healthy snacks like carrots ready to eat). Environmental Triggers. Lighting affects how much we eat and when we eat. The brighter the lighting, the less likely you will overeat. If you’re plagued by overeating triggers, keep these quick tips in mind: take a walk, take a nap, make a phone call, leave the table, do 20 sit-ups, drink two glasses of water, brush your teeth, or check your email!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Another Reason To Turn Off The TV…

Watching TV may not only be mind-numbing, it can turn you into a couch potato. But here’s another reason to get rid of your TV habit. Consumers are paying high dollars for cable TV and satellite TV. Today, nearly 110 million American homes have at least one TV, and of those 68% receive a cable signal and 22% receive a DBS signal, according to Gary Shapiro, president of Consumer Electronics Assoc. The average cable TV subscriber pays over $58.51 per month, while the average satellite TV subscriber pays about $57.72 per month, reports J.D. Power and Associates. This adds up to about $700 per year just for watching TV! Imagine what you could do with an extra $700 per year. You can take that money and invest it, and in five years at a 15% return; you’ll be almost $7,000 richer! In 25 years you could have $200,000–or a vacation home! Now, that’s worth thinking about!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Are the Foods You’re Eating Contaminated by Pesticides?

If you’re concerned about pesticides and your food, there’s some new information that you should know. Some of the most popular fruits and vegetables you eat every day are the most contaminated with pesticides, according to reports conducted by the Environmental Working Group, and Consumers Union. What are they? Foods that were found with the highest pesticide levels were: Apples, Peaches, Pears, Potatoes, Spinach, Strawberries, Grapes, Cherries, Nectarines, Celery, Bell Peppers, and Raspberries. The produce with the lowest pesticide levels were: Avocados, Sweet Corn, Broccoli, Bananas, Mangos, Papaya, Sweet Peas, Pineapples, Kiwi, Onions, Cauliflower, and Asparagus. A 2003 study conducted by Seattle scientists and published in Environmental Health found that school children eating conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables are more likely to exceed EPA safety thresholds for organophosphate pesticides than children eating organic produce. What can you do? To reduce your exposure to pesticides, always wash your produce, and buy organic whenever possible. What are the advantages of buying organic produce? Organic foods have been found to contain more nutritional value and more antioxidants than conventionally grown foods, according to University of California, Davis scientists. Organic foods were found to have high levels of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and iron. What’s the difference between organic and conventionally grown foods? Organic foods are grown in safe soil, and have no additives, or irradiated genetically modified organisms. Organic foods must be separated from conventional foods (in storage containers) so there is no contact with chemicals or pesticides. For more information, go to www.foodnews.org, or www.consumersunion.org.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Privacy Facts…

• In big cities, Americans are photographed an average of 20 times a day. • Everything you charge is in a database that police, among others, can look at. • Your cell phone calls can be intercepted and eavesdroppers can crib your access numbers with police scanners. • You are often being watched when you visit web sites. Servers know what you’re looking at, what you download, and how long you stay on a page. • A political candidate’s career was destroyed when a newspaper published a list of all the videos he had ever rented. • Your employer is allowed to read your e-mail.

Friday, July 27, 2012

8 Simple Tips For Saving Fuel

Gasoline prices at the pump can take a toll on your pocketbook. Here are eight ways you can save the next time you “filler-up.” 1. Fill your gas tank in the morning or late evening when it is cool outside. It will help reduce fuel evaporation. 2. Service your vehicle regularly. A poorly tuned engine can increase fuel consumption by up to 50%. 3. Avoid excessive idling. Turn off the engine if you’re idling more than two minutes. Idling increases gas consumption by one gallon per hour. 5. Shop for the best price. When your fuel gauge is half-full start looking. Buying gas at wholesale clubs can save you up to 12 cents a gallon. 6. Park in the shade. You’re less likely to use your air conditioner if your car is cooler. When driving on the highway, keep your windows up to reduce air drag, which can reduce your gas mileage by10%. 7. Make sure your tires are inflated adequately. Under inflated tires can increase fuel consumption by 5%. 8. Avoid “fast starts.” They not only increase fuel consumption, but increase tire wear.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How To Get A Leaner Stomach

If you’re like most of us out there you’d like to lose a little around the middle. The easiest way to get rid of stomach fat is to reduce your carbohydrates. These are foods many of us love to consume: crackers, chips, white bread, cakes, cookies, candy, pizza. But if you’re really serious about losing your belly, there are some easy ways to do it, and it doesn’t require medical intervention. First, start by eating lean meat (chicken, turkey, and seafood). Eliminate breads, pasta, rice, baked goods, candy and alcohol for two weeks, so you can train your body to live without the cravings. Limit fruits for the first two weeks, but you can eat lots of veggies. At week three you can add a small serving of rice, pasta or bread two times a day. Continue to eliminate refined sugars from your diet. Next issue we’ll discuss where you go from here.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Keep Your Pet Safe

What do you have around your house that is the #1 health hazard for your pets? It’s your medication! The Animal Poison Control Center had nearly 46,000 calls last year about pets ingesting prescription and OTC drugs that accidentally dropped on the floor. Keep a close eye on your pills and call your vet if you suspect a problem.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Can Optimism Make You Healthy?

In a study of first year law students at the University of California at Los Angeles, psychologists discovered students with positive attitudes and expectations had stronger immune systems and overall good health. Researchers drew blood from “declared optimists” and a control group. They then measured levels of key immune cells at the beginning of the semester. At that time there was no difference, but well into the stress-filled semester the optimists showed significantly higher levels of key immune cell activity than their less-than-positive counterparts. Keep smiling—you’ll live longer!

Friday, June 29, 2012

A Telemarketing Trick

Caller ID is the best way to identify telemarketing calls. Look for an 800 number, “Private” or “Unknown.” But some collection agencies and others who want to hide their identities are using “spoofing” services that put a fake corporate name on your screen. Be sure to call the company back yourself before you give out info.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Be proactive about protecting your reputation…

 Safeguard your personal information, particularly on social networking sites. Open a secondary email account or use a different persona for social sites, chatrooms, web forums, etc.  Use privacy settings to set the right level of control, especially for Facebook and MySpace. Don’t give access to “Everyone.” That makes it visible to search engines, too.  Set up a Google Profile. Go to www.google.com/profiles to build a personal page that helps people get the right information when they search your name. You can do the same thing on Yahoo at profiles.yahoo.com.  Monitor your online presence by signing up for Google or Yahoo Alerts. They’ll let you know if someone searches for certain phrases, such as your name or company name.  If you find something embarrassing, talk to the source. Even better, create positive content (write a blog or an article) that will appear on search results.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Make Your Comfort Meal Healthy

You’re craving a bowl of your mom’s macaroni and cheese, but you’re also trying to eat healthier. And what’s healthy about a bowl of pasta and cheese? The truth is, with some creative switches, many of your favorite comfort dishes can stay on your healthy menu. Pasta The simple carbs in pasta have many people avoiding this starchy dish. But there are some things you can do to get it back on your friendly food list. First, switch to whole grain pasta. Next, use half as much pasta as usual. Swap in vegetables for the other half. If your mom’s recipe calls for 4 cups of noodles, make 2 cups of whole grain pasta. Then mix in 2 cups of cooked cauliflower. Meats If roast beef is your comfort food of choice, or you can’t face another day without a pork chop, there are ways to work these foods into your healthy diet. First, look at your cut of meat. Choose “loin” or “round” cuts for beef, and “loin” or “leg” cuts for pork. For poultry, take off the skin before you cook it. Like pasta, substitute veggies or beans for half of your usual portion. Soups and Sauces You may think you have to say goodbye to your favorite soups and sauces. But that may not be so. Instead, get creative and make your old favorites even more flavorful. First, work in more vegetables. They add nutrients and fiber—and very few calories. Spinach or green peppers can make anything from marinara to minestrone soup a healthier choice. For those days when creamy sauce is a must, you still have options. Try using pureed white beans (not cream) to thicken your sauce. And if cheese is what you’re looking for, try low-fat versions. Stronger-flavored cheeses (like sharp cheddar or aged parmesan) will give you the same amount of flavor with less cheese. Servings A final tip for healthy comfort food is to eat only enough to take care of your craving. A small bowl of mom’s macaroni and cheese would taste great with a plate full of fresh leafy greens, don’t you think? Eating healthy isn’t about never enjoying your food again. It’s about making smart choices and finding new ways to play with flavor. You may even find that healthy comfort food tastes better than the old recipes.

Monday, June 4, 2012

8 Simple Tips For Saving Fuel

Gasoline prices at the pump can take a toll on your pocketbook. Here are eight ways you can save the next time you “filler-up.” 1. Fill your gas tank in the morning or late evening when it is cool outside. It will help reduce fuel evaporation. 2. Service your vehicle regularly. A poorly tuned engine can increase fuel consumption by up to 50%. 3. Avoid excessive idling. Turn off the engine if you’re idling more than two minutes. Idling increases gas consumption by one gallon per hour. 5. Shop for the best price. When your fuel gauge is half-full start looking. Buying gas at wholesale clubs can save you up to 12 cents a gallon. 6. Park in the shade. You’re less likely to use your air conditioner if your car is cooler. When driving on the highway, keep your windows up to reduce air drag, which can reduce your gas mileage by10%. 7. Make sure your tires are inflated adequately. Under inflated tires can increase fuel consumption by 5%. 8. Avoid “fast starts.” They not only increase fuel consumption, but increase tire wear.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

How To Get A Leaner Stomach

If you’re like most of us out there you’d like to lose a little around the middle. The easiest way to get rid of stomach fat is to reduce your carbohydrates. These are foods many of us love to consume: crackers, chips, white bread, cakes, cookies, candy, pizza. But if you’re really serious about losing your belly, there are some easy ways to do it, and it doesn’t require medical intervention. First, start by eating lean meat (chicken, turkey, and seafood). Eliminate breads, pasta, rice, baked goods, candy and alcohol for two weeks, so you can train your body to live without the cravings. Limit fruits for the first two weeks, but you can eat lots of veggies. At week three you can add a small serving of rice, pasta or bread two times a day. Continue to eliminate refined sugars from your diet. Next issue we’ll discuss where you go from here.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Never Use Plastic In The Microwave

Could using plastics in the microwave be dangerous to your health? The answer is “yes,” according to important news from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. There have been many stories circulating about the safety of microwaves, heating, plastics and food. Some have focused on dioxin, a known carcinogen. Dioxin occurs in our environment, primarily from the incineration of waste materials, according to Dr. Rolf Halden, at John Hopkins Bloomberg School. People are exposed to dioxin mostly from eating meat and fish rich in fat. But it may not be the sole offender. There are other concerns we should consider, according to Halden. There’s a group of chemicals called “phthalates” that have been added to some plastics to make them flexible and less brittle. If you heat these plastics, it can increase the leaching of phthalates from the containers into your food. Many scientific studies have shown that when you heat up an object, the chemicals are more likely to release into the environment. This is the same with plastics...and possibly the plastic packaging in some microwave meals. Another chemical, diethylhexyl adipate (DEHA), is also used to make plastics more flexible. DEHA exposure can occur when eating certain foods wrapped in plastics. “It’s true that substances used to make plastics can leach into food,” says Edward Machuga, Ph.D., a consumer safety officer in the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. “But the levels are low.” What should you do? People should use heat resistant glass, Corning Ware or ceramic containers for heating food in the microwave. Don’t use foam or plastic carryout containers from restaurants or margarine tubs in the microwave, according to the FDA. And never use plastic storage bags, grocery bags, newspapers or aluminum foil in the microwave.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Is Organic Good?

If a product is advertised as “natural” and “organic,” it’s good for you, right? That’s not necessarily the case. While the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has taken some enforcement actions against companies, food labels still need improving. Don’t be fooled: Here’s what to look for to select the healthiest products for your family. • “Zero trans fat.” That may be true but it could mean the product is high in saturated fat. Be sure to read the Nutrition Facts label for the full story. • “Low calorie” or “Reduced fat.” Compared to what? Chances are the company has a previous, higher calorie version of the product. • “Made with real fruit.” That may be in the form of a concentrate and the primary ingredient may be sugar. You’re better off eating an apple. • “Natural.” This word isn’t regulated. To be sure a product is natural, buy from a local farmer or buy food that is certified organic by the USDA. • Ingredient label tricks. Since ingredients are listed in order of their proportion in the product, the first three are what you’re primarily eating. A manufacturer may use various sugars (sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose etc.) in the product so the word “sugar” isn’t listed first. • Combining healthy ingredients. The actual amount of the healthy ingredients may put them at the end of the list. By combining them into a “blend” or “mix” they can make it to the top. • “Yeast extract.” It’s a labeling trick to hide monosodium glutamate (MSG), which can cause side effects for people sensitive to this additive. • Using the word “wheat.” All flour derived from wheat can be called “wheat flour,” even if it’s processed. The key is to look for “whole grain wheat flour” on the ingredient list to make sure you’re eating whole wheat.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Magic Of Cinnamon

Did you know that cinnamon offers more than just a great scent and taste? It has important health benefits too. A USDA scientist, Dr. Richard Anderson, recently found that cinnamon imitates the effect of insulin in the body. A study of Type-2 diabetics found that people who were given between 1-6 grams of cinnamon per day reduced their blood sugar by up to 29% depending on the amount of cinnamon they were given. In two other scientific studies, one that was published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, rats were given cinnamon extract to see if it would improve how they metabolized glucose. These findings may help scientists understand the role of cinnamon on the body, and open the door to much needed research. Taken a step further, cinnamon may also help people reduce their chance of developing diabetes and improve the body’s ability to balance blood sugars.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What You Should Know About Child Identity Theft

Guess who are the next victims of identity theft – children! It’s hard to believe but criminals are searching for dormant social security numbers (SSN) online and selling them to people (strangers or even their family members) who use them to establish phony credit. Victims may not know it’s happened until they are older and apply for financial aid or try to open a line of credit. While you can’t prevent identity theft, you can take steps to limit the opportunities for it to happen. Here’s what you can do and look for:  Safeguard your child’s SSN and only give it out on a “need to know” basis. School sports teams and doctors’ offices do not have to have the number. Be cautious about disclosing place and date of birth details, particularly online (cybercriminals can find SSNs based on that information). Teach your kids not to give out personal information, especially on social networks (have them use nick names or code names when filling out online profiles).  Watch for red flags like these: • You receive checks, pre-approved credit card offers or bank statements in your child’s name. Note: the pre-approved credit card offer may just be a marketing tool sent by an affiliate of your bank because you opened a college fund for your child. • You get calls from collection agencies. • Your teen is denied a driver’s license because another person has a license with that SSN. The imposter may even have accumulated tickets or citations in the child’s name  If you suspect anything, call Social Security and ask if any income has been reported with your child’s number. You can see if there’s a credit report for your child, but don’t do so unless you have a strong indication of theft (ordering a report unnecessarily opens the door to thieves). For more information, see sites such as www.idtheftcenter.org.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Super Thrifty Tips...

Here are a few handy cooking tips: • Rescue an over-baked cake by drizzling with a sugar syrup spiked with a little Grand Marnier, Kahlua, Tia Maria or brandy. • Cut a roll of clear plastic wrap in half to use for individually wrapping brownies, cookies and other small items. You’ll end up with two narrow rolls of the perfect size wrap. • If you accidentally over-salt a dish while it’s still cooking, drop in a peeled potato, it will absorb the excess salt.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

7 Easy Ways to Discover Your Family History

Would you like to know more about your ancestry, but don’t know where to start? Now you can learn about your family’s history and discover interesting facts in a matter of minutes – all from the internet. Here are seven easy tips you can follow to help research your ancestry on the web: 1. What Does Your Name Mean? A fun way to begin to search your ancestry is to find out what your surname means. You can go to a number of sites on the web including www.Ancestry.com/learn and www.Geneology.com. 2. Where Do Most People With Your Surname Originate? You can continue your search to find out where most people with your last name came from. You can also learn immigration information, headlines from that period, war records, and the current population distribution. 3. When Did They Arrive At Ellis Island (if you live in the U.S.)? Go to www.EllisIsland.org to search passenger arrival records, which are fascinating to view. 4. What Type Of Work Did Your Ancestors Do? You can find the occupations of your ancestors, which can tell you about their socioeconomic class and dominant family trades. 5. Access a Variety of Interesting Family Information and Trivia. You can access obituary data, prison records (for that “black sheep” of the family), bible records transcriptions and more at www.AncestorHunt.com. 6. How to Access Military Records? You can search military records including Civil War records, WWI, draft records, and other records using the above links on the web. 7. Connect And Share With Your Family. You can begin to build your family tree using computer software, or you can create your own family tree using many free resources available on the websites mentioned here. Searching family records is fun, interesting and rewarding. Hop on the internet today, and discover amazing facts about your family.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Top 10 Jobs For Working From Home

Here They Are— Have you ever wanted a job where you didn’t have to drive to work? No traffic. No commuting. Flexible hours. And no sharing office space with people you might not care to see everyday. Now more and more people are opting for working at home. With technological advances and computers, home offices make working at home more affordable for employers, and much more convenient for workers. How do you know if working at home is for you? Two traits can help to make someone more successful at working outside the office. First, successful at home workers or telecommuters are self-starters who don’t need “hands-on” help from managers. Secondly, they need to be an organized person with good time management skills. So if you’re interested in what career opportunities lend themselves to working at home, here’s a list of the Top 10 Jobs for working from home: 1) Computer Programmer / IT Specialist; 2)Accountant / Financial Advisor; 3) Graphic Designer; 4)Web Site Designer / Web Developer; 5) Communications Specialist; 6)Medical Transcriptionist; 7) Real Estate Agent; 8) Sales Representative; 9) Market Researcher; and 10) Translation Specialist. For more information on working from home or telecommuting, go to smarterwork.com, projectfirm.com, brainbid.com.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Secrets Of Female Millionaires

Did you know there are more women millionaires today than at any time in history? It’s true. Thomas Stanley, author of The Millionaire Woman Next Door, has come up with some interesting facts. The average female millionaire is 49 years old, married, a mother, spends 3-4 hours a week at the gym, and works a 50-hour week. Stanley found three themes that stood out. Female millionaires were responsible for budgeting and financial planning in their households and had a detailed method of tracking expenses. Second, female millionaires focused selling their skills rather than merchandise. Service businesses enabled the women to do what they liked, and work a reasonable schedule. Third, female millionaires viewed themselves as leaders. Four out of five women millionaires focused their attention on the future...and not what had happened in the past. The millionaire women were proactive, and believed it was their responsibility to move situations forward.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Five Surefire Ways To Spot A Liar…

Do you remember the old joke: “How can you tell if a politician is lying? Answer: Their lips are moving!” Well, almost everyone lies at sometime, according to Dr. Robert Galatzer-Levy of the University of Chicago. In fact, research has shown that people lie in one-fourth of their daily social interactions.” White lies, little kid lies, vicious lies, lies of infidelity...and infamous ‘presidential’ lies! There can be severe penalties for lying. If you lie in court and get caught, you can go to prison. Most liars usually give themselves away with their body language or their words. Here are five surefire ways for becoming an expert ‘liar detective’: 1. Shifty Eyes. Shifty eyes are the hallmark of a liar, according to a recent study of people polled in 75 countries. Looking away or lack of eye contract are non-verbal signs that may indicate the person is lying. 2. Body Language Giveaways. Look at body movements. Is the person fidgeting? Is their body stiffening? Watch their hands, fingers, legs, and feet. Also, look at their emotional facial expressions. Watch for small, brief expressions that run counter to the person’s facial gestures. 3. Verbal Clues. Liars tend to hesitate, stammer, or stutter when speaking. Watch for slow speech, pauses, and a higher-pitched voice. 4. Inconsistencies. If a “liar” tells you something that doesn’t add up, ask for an explanation. Then watch for clues. Are they defensive? Do they give you too much information and go overboard with a lie? 5. Intuition. Pay attention to clues. Listen to what a person is saying (and how they’re saying it). Look at what a person is telling you with their body and gestures. Does the person say they’re glad to see you, but then moves away...or gives you a tepid handshake? The chance a person is lying increases when their words and gestures don’t match. Asking questions is the best way of getting to the truth.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Are You “Stuck In Neutral?”

Are you someone who puts things off until the last minute, or misses deadlines? Well, you’re definitely not alone. Everyone does it sometimes. But procrastination can lead to even more stress. Here are a few tips to help you manage your time and reduce your stress: • Time Management. Use a schedule planner or notebook to plan your day or week. Use a timer or alarm clock to help you keep on track. • Break Up Large Tasks. If you know you’re unable to concentrate on a project for three hours, divide your work into one hour blocks for three days. • Plan To Play. Plan your work and plan your play. If you know you are going out for fun later, you will be able to start your work and concentrate on it now. • Create Short-Term Deadlines. Many people feel they work better under pressure. But if you always work under pressure, you will increase your stress. Decide to reach some short-term goal before stopping your work for the day. • Avoid Perfectionism. If you accept nothing less than a perfect performance, you may never get to work on a task because you’re worried that it won’t be perfect. Strive for excellence, not perfection.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Is Your Cell Phone Weakening Your Facial Muscles?

There could be more cell phone dangers on the horizon. Researchers in Florida recently studying more than 200 patients with tumors and other related conditions found that while cell phones may not necessary raise the risk of certain tumors, that doesn’t mean they are completely safe. The intratemporal facial nerve, the one that runs through the middle ear just behind the eardrum, affects facial movement. Researchers noted that when people place cell phones next to their heads, this nerve is exposed to cell phone radiation. Researchers found that tumors on this nerve can cause facial weakness and disfigurement. While cell phone radiation may not increase the risk of these tumors, cell phones are a relatively new technology. Most cell phone calls usually only last a short time. But, there’s no way to know what may happen when people talk much longer on cell phones and over a period of many years. Here’s just one more reason to either limit your cell phone use, invest in a headset, or buy a hands-free cell phone for your car!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Privacy Facts

• In big cities, Americans are photographed an average of 20 times a day. • Everything you charge is in a database that police, among others, can look at. • Your cell phone calls can be intercepted and eavesdroppers can crib your access numbers with police scanners. • You are often being watched when you visit web sites. Servers know what you’re looking at, what you download, and how long you stay on a page. • A political candidate’s career was destroyed when a newspaper published a list of all the videos he had ever rented. • Your employer is allowed to read your e-mail.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Take 20 Minutes a Day for Yourself

Do you sit at a desk all day and become a couch potato on the weekends? Recent studies have shown that those who sit most of the day have an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart problems and other diseases. That’s because the enzymes that burn fat shut down, slowing your metabolism and possibly lowering your beneficial cholesterol. Even if you do exercise regularly, you need to move your muscles frequently (called non-exercise activity) throughout the day. Follow these tips: Try to get 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day. When you’re not exercising, don’t remain sedentary for long. Get up and move, whether that means walking to someone’s office (instead of sending an e-mail) or going to the copy machine. Even standing burns calories since you tense your leg muscles and shift your weight from one leg to the other. Turn off the TV. You’ll burn more calories doing almost anything else, such as playing games with the kids, cleaning the house or walking the dog. When you do watch TV, change your seating. Watch it in a rocking chair (yes, it burns energy!), sitting on a therapy ball or riding an exercise bike. Move around during commercials, which can take up 20 minutes each hour.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Workout Partners Can Really Help!

You set your gym clothes out the night before. Your running shoes wait by the door. But you just can’t seem to get out of bed. You need something to motivate you. That’s when your workout partner knocks on the door. You know she’s dressed and ready for your morning jog. It’s time to get out of bed and put on your running shoes! Having a workout partner, whether it’s a friend or family member, can really help when you just can’t seem to make it on your own. While you might skip the jog if it’s just you, the thought of letting your buddy down can get you up and going. Having a friend with you can also turn the work part of your workout into fun. But what happens if your pal can’t give you the support you need? A workout buddy who doesn’t help you stick to your goals can do more harm than good. Here are some tips to help you choose a partner who is more of a cheerleader than a couch potato. 1. Look for shared goals. Find friends who are shooting for the same goal, or close to it. Maybe you haven’t been active in a while and just want to fit into your favorite jeans. If so, a friend who is training for their second triathlon may not be your best match. 2. Share the love. You can have more than one workout buddy. It’s OK if Sharon from work is your walking friend, but you play tennis on Wednesdays with Tim from your book club. And you can still join a weekend hiking group with Linda, your friend from school. The more workout pals you have, the lower your chance of being stuck without something active to do. 3. Keep it fresh. If you or your walking buddy start to grow bored with your daily walk, suggest something else. The more fun you have being active, the more active you will want to be. Go out and try something new. If you like it, keep it. If not, try the next thing on your list. From yoga to Zumba®, there are many ways to get fit. While a friend may help keep you going, the choice to be active is really yours. Make activity fun. Choose the right partner. Then tell yourself to get up and move. Diet and Exercise Workout

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Natural and Organic Must Be Good Right?

If a product is advertised as “natural” and “organic,” it’s good for you, right? That’s not necessarily the case. While the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has taken some enforcement actions against companies, food labels still need improving. Don’t be fooled: Here’s what to look for to select the healthiest products for your family. • “Zero trans fat.” That may be true but it could mean the product is high in saturated fat. Be sure to read the Nutrition Facts label for the full story. • “Low calorie” or “Reduced fat.” Compared to what? Chances are the company has a previous, higher calorie version of the product. • “Made with real fruit.” That may be in the form of a concentrate and the primary ingredient may be sugar. You’re better off eating an apple. • “Natural.” This word isn’t regulated. To be sure a product is natural, buy from a local farmer or buy food that is certified organic by the USDA. • Ingredient label tricks. Since ingredients are listed in order of their proportion in the product, the first three are what you’re primarily eating. A manufacturer may use various sugars (sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose etc.) in the product so the word “sugar” isn’t listed first. • Combining healthy ingredients. The actual amount of the healthy ingredients may put them at the end of the list. By combining them into a “blend” or “mix” they can make it to the top. • “Yeast extract.” It’s a labeling trick to hide monosodium glutamate (MSG), which can cause side effects for people sensitive to this additive. • Using the word “wheat.” All flour derived from wheat can be called “wheat flour,” even if it’s processed. The key is to look for “whole grain wheat flour” on the ingredient list to make sure you’re eating whole wheat.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Get Smart About Your Heart

People often treat their cars better than they do their bodies. That’s what the president of the American Heart Association (AHA) says about the public’s awareness of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death around the world. The key is this: If you do the right things, most heart disease is preventable. While talking with your doctor is important, here’s what you can do on your own: • Know where you stand. To get your personal heart score and learn what steps you may need to take to improve your heart health, go to MyLifeCheck.heart.org and click on “Get your assessment.” • Follow the AHA’s “Simple 7”: • Get active. 150 minutes/week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes/week of vigorous exercise. Walking is a great way to start. • Control cholesterol. Make diet and lifestyle changes if your level is 200 mg/dl or higher. • Eat better. Follow the 2010 guidelines at www.dietaryguidelines.gov. The AHA takes these a step further by saying everyone should limit their daily sodium consumption to 1,500 mg a day. • Manage blood pressure. Know yours and keep it in a healthy range. • Lose weight. Understand the relationship between the calories you’re consuming versus the calories you’re burning off. • Reduce blood sugar. Diabetes is one of the major controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. • Stop smoking. Seek out classes/support groups by contacting such organizations as the American Lung Association or Cancer Society. • Track and manage your heart health by using the interactive tool at www.heart360.org. • Learn the warning signs of heart attack, stroke and cardiac arrest. Find this information at a doctor’s office, library or online sites like WebMD.com. By acting quickly (calling 9-1-1) you may save a life, including your own.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Make Your Comfort Meal Healthy

You’re craving a bowl of your mom’s macaroni and
cheese, but you’re also trying to eat healthier. And
what’s healthy about a bowl of pasta and cheese? The
truth is, with some creative switches, many of your
favorite comfort dishes can stay on your healthy menu.

The simple carbs in pasta have many people avoiding
this starchy dish. But there are some things you can
do to get it back on your friendly food list. First, switch
to whole grain pasta. Next, use half as much pasta as
usual. Swap in vegetables for the other half. If your
mom’s recipe calls for 4 cups of noodles, make 2 cups
of whole grain pasta. Then mix in 2 cups of cooked

If roast beef is your comfort food of choice, or you can’t
face another day without a pork chop, there are ways
to work these foods into your healthy diet. First, look at
your cut of meat. Choose “loin” or “round” cuts for beef,
and “loin” or “leg” cuts for pork. For poultry, take off the
skin before you cook it. Like pasta, substitute veggies or
beans for half of your usual portion.

Soups and Sauces
You may think you have to say goodbye to your favorite
soups and sauces. But that may not be so. Instead, get
creative and make your old favorites even more flavorful.
First, work in more vegetables. They add nutrients and
fiber—and very few calories. Spinach or green peppers
can make anything from marinara to minestrone soup a
healthier choice.
For those days when creamy sauce is a must, you
still have options. Try using pureed white beans (not
cream) to thicken your sauce. And if cheese is what
you’re looking for, try low-fat versions. Stronger-flavored
cheeses (like sharp cheddar or aged parmesan) will give
you the same amount of flavor with less cheese.

A final tip for healthy comfort food is to eat only enough
to take care of your craving. A small bowl of mom’s
macaroni and cheese would taste great with a plate full
of fresh leafy greens, don’t you think?
Eating healthy isn’t about never enjoying your food
again. It’s about making smart choices and finding new
ways to play with flavor. You may even find that healthy
comfort food tastes better than the old recipes.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4 Ways Google Can Help You

The number #1 search engine www.google.com may be able to help you in ways you never imagined...here are just a few:

1. You can enter your airplane’s tail number (in Google search box) to find out the airplane’s maintenance service record before you fly.
2. To find out about yourself (or anyone or anything else), go to www.googlism.com (Try this out...you’ll be amazed!)
3. Need something defined? Enter “define” in the search box, followed by a colon, space, and then what you would like defined.
4. Need a recipe? Enter a key ingredient(s) to get recipes for your next dinner party. Bon appetit!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Overeating Triggers How To Avoid Them!

Why do we overeat? While not all of us struggle with weight (yes, there are a few out there who don’t) most of us do have triggers that can cause us to overeat and consume up to an extra 500 calories per day. Here are a four overeating triggers and tips on how to avoid them:
Emotional Triggers. Stress, frustration, and worry are just a few of the emotions that can trigger overeating. Have a plan to deal with these feelings without food...go for a walk, bike ride, or talk with a friend.
Situational Triggers. Overeating has a pattern. TV is a big food trigger. Focus on what you’re eating without any distractions (don’t watch TV or read while eating). Set a time to stop eating (after 7 p.m.)
Low Energy Triggers. People tend to overeat when they are tired and need an energy boost. Identify your low energy times, and plan to do something else (or have healthy snacks like carrots ready to eat).
Environmental Triggers. Lighting affects how much we eat and when we eat. The brighter the lighting, the less likely you will overeat.
If you’re plagued by overeating triggers, keep these quick tips in mind: take a walk, take a nap, make a phone call, leave the table, do 20 sit-ups, drink two glasses of water, brush your teeth, or check your email!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Time to Ditch the Cable TV?

Watching TV may not only be mind-numbing, it can turn you into a couch potato. But here’s another reason to get rid of your TV habit. Consumers are paying high dollars for cable TV and satellite TV. Today, nearly 110 million American homes have at least one TV, and of those 68% receive a cable signal and 22% receive a DBS signal, according to Gary Shapiro, president of Consumer Electronics Assoc.

The average cable TV subscriber pays over $58.51 per month, while the average satellite TV subscriber pays about $57.72 per month, reports J.D. Power and Associates. This adds up to about $700 per year just for watching TV! Imagine what you could do with an extra $700 per year. You can take that money and invest it, and in five years at a 15% return; you’ll be almost $7,000 richer! In 25 years you could have $200,000–or a vacation home! Now, that’s worth thinking about!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Foods You’re Eating Contaminated by Pesticides?

If you’re concerned about pesticides and your food, there’s some new information that you should know. Some of the most popular fruits and vegetables you eat every day are the most contaminated with pesticides, according to reports conducted by the Environmental Working Group, and Consumers Union. What are they?

Foods that were found with the highest pesticide levels were: Apples, Peaches, Pears, Potatoes, Spinach, Strawberries, Grapes, Cherries, Nectarines, Celery, Bell Peppers, and Raspberries.

The produce with the lowest pesticide levels were: Avocados, Sweet Corn, Broccoli, Bananas, Mangos, Papaya, Sweet Peas, Pineapples, Kiwi, Onions, Cauliflower, and Asparagus.

A 2003 study conducted by Seattle scientists and published in Environmental Health found that school children eating conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables are more likely to exceed EPA safety thresholds for organophosphate pesticides than children eating organic produce.

What can you do? To reduce your exposure to pesticides, always wash your produce, and buy organic whenever possible. What are the advantages of buying organic produce?
Organic foods have been found to contain more nutritional value and more antioxidants than conventionally grown foods, according to University of California, Davis scientists. Organic foods were found to have high levels of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and iron.

What’s the difference between organic and conventionally grown foods? Organic foods are grown in safe soil, and have no additives, or irradiated genetically modified organisms. Organic foods must be separated from conventional foods (in storage containers) so there is no contact with chemicals or pesticides. For more information, go to www.foodnews.org, or www.consumersunion.org.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

7 Secrets for Conquering Stress

Are you a harried mom? Overworked dad? Stressed out professional? Stress is considered one of the top three contributors to heart disease and other serious illnesses. Don’t let daily stress get the best of you. Here are seven steps you can take right now to reduce your stress level, and get back to feeling more balanced and energized in your daily life...

1. Master Your Thoughts. Stress and anxiety are actually a choice. You have the power to choose how you feel at any given moment. When you are feeling stressed out, take a moment to pause and close your eyes. Ask yourself, “Is there another choice I can make that will make me feel more at peace with myself or this situation?”

2. Breathe. It sounds so simple, but breathing has a tremendous affect on your mind, body, and your mood. Focus on your breathing when you find yourself feeling stress. If you put your finger on your belly button, you’ll begin to breathe from your belly and relax.

3. Exercise. Regular exercise can release stress and make you feel more in control of your life. Try a 30-minute brisk walk, bike ride, or play a game of tennis or racquetball.

4. Take Up A Hobby. Hobbies give our body and mind a place to relax. Whether it’s painting, woodworking, gardening, or playing a musical instrument, hobbies can give us that feeling of a vacation without having to go anywhere to get away.

5. Pace Yourself. Many of us have a tendency to over schedule ourselves or our family, and then become stressed when we can’t meet the demands. Prioritize your workload and concentrate on one task at a time.

6. Lighten Up And Take The Long View. If you’re feeling anxious and tense...take a moment and ask yourself, “will this really matter tomorrow, next week, or even five years from now?”

Strive For Peace of Mind. You can get more out of your life by actually doing less. Happiness comes not from the number of activities things we collect, but from the opportunity to enjoy our experiences. Doing less may actually make you happier...it’s your choice

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nasal Spray Dangers!

You can run the risk of addiction by using a decongestant nasal spray for more than three days. Nasal sprays constrict the blood vessels in the nose, enlarging the passage so that air can flow through. After three days you can suffer “rebound nasal congestion” when stopping. The vessels swell up again, leading you back to the spray for relief. Best bet? Either quit cold turkey and suffer for a day, or consider diluting your nasal spray with saline solution.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

All Homeowners Insurance is Not the Same

Q. We have just purchased our first home. What should we know about homeowner’s insurance before we go shopping for a policy?

A. Getting homeowner’s insurance should be a fairly simple process. Your goal is to get enough coverage to rebuild your house and replace the contents in the event of a total loss of your home. Along with insuring your house, you also need protection in case someone is injured on your property and sues you for maximum damages. Some agents will pull a “quickie” assessment based on your location, the size of your mortgage, and the number of rooms in your home. This can be risky at best, so here is some insider information on how the insurance industry will gauge your homeowner’s policy.

The insurance industry classifies homeowner’s policies on a scale of 1 to 8, tagging them as, for example, “HO-3.” Each level defines a different type of policy, separated by what they cover. Here is a brief list of HO1-8 policies.

HO-1, HO-2 – These basic policies cover from 11 to 17 named perils. Named perils can include fire, lightning, riot, theft, vandalism, falling objects, snow and ice damage, and faulty electrical and heating systems.
HO-3 – This homeowner’s policy is broader and more practical for most people. HO-3 policies protect against all perils except the ones explicitly excluded from the policy. Earthquakes, floods, and nuclear accident are usually excluded.
HO-4 – This level is excellent for renter’s insurance that covers your possessions from 17 named perils, but excludes the structure itself.
HO-6 – If you buy a co-op or condominium residence this level of insurance covers personal property and adequate liability coverage.
HO-8 – If have an antique or landmark-class home, you may not be able to get a guaranteed replacement policy. Companies figure the cost of rebuilding this type of home with the original materials and craftsmanship to be impossibly high. This policy covers against 11 named perils and will repair damage (with no guarantee on materials quality), or pay you the actual cash value of your home.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Create Your Own Cash Safety Net

Even in the most stable of times (great economy, good health, and a steady job) it’s wise to create a cash safety net. Your emergency fund should cover at least six month’s of living expenses. Living expenses include rent or mortgage, debt and car payments, medications, groceries and any other fixed expenses you incur each month. You can get an excellent estimate of your living expenses by keeping a simple budget in a personal finance computer program such as “Quicken” by Intuit.

Your emergency fund should be liquid and immediately accessible. Keep the money in a CD, savings account, or money market account (if you want higher interest). It is not for impulse buying or vacations. You can target the money for emergency car repairs, medical bills, or a short spell of unemployment, but remember to make repayment a top priority.

Look for a bank account with zero maintenance fees. Many banks will eliminate maintenance fees if you maintain a set minimum balance. You can also avoid bank charges by linking a checking account to a savings account or interest-bearing checking account.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Can Optimism Make You Healthy?

In a study of first year law students at the University of California at
Los Angeles, psychologists discovered students with positive attitudes and expectations had stronger immune systems and overall good health. Researchers drew blood from “declared optimists” and a control group. They then measured levels of key immune cells at the beginning of the semester. At that time there was no difference, but well into the stress-filled semester the optimists showed significantly higher levels of key immune cell activity than their less-than-positive counterparts. Keep smiling—you’ll live longer!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Benefits of Slow Cooking

Researchers at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine found that cooking at high temperatures – frying, grilling, and micro-waving – creates dangerous chemicals in foods called “advanced glycation end products,” or AGEs. High levels of AGEs have been linked to heart disease and can worsen the damage from diabetes, such as blindness and nerve and blood vessel damage. They also may interfere with the body’s ability to heal wounds. Food steamed or boiled at lower temperatures contains fewer AGEs.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Do You Suffer From Chronic Headaches?

Headache pain is one of the top ten reasons for absenteeism in the workplace and schools. The migraine headache strikes 18 percent of women, 6 percent of men and (surprisingly) 8 percent of children. Migraines are throbbing headaches that affect only one side of the head and can be accompanied by vision complications, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. The duration of a migraine can last from a few hours to a few days.

A variety of foods, the body’s own hormones, and environmental stimuli can trigger migraines. Migraine sufferers should avoid beer, red wine, monosodium glutamate (used liberally in Chinese foods), certain cheeses, yogurt, and smoked fish. Sodium nitrate, found in bacon, cold cuts, and hot dogs is also a known cause. Caffeine and chocolate also may be connected with migraines.

Fluctuations in hormones can cause migraines. It can affect men, but it especially affects women during their monthly cycle – possibly due to fluctuations in estrogen and serotonin levels in the body. Sixty percent of female migraine sufferers have them in relation to their monthly cycle.

People on long-term prescription medications or painkillers like aspirin and acetaminophen can experience a “boomerang” effect when medications are stopped. The body may go into withdrawal, triggering a massive migraine. A magnesium deficiency may also trigger migraines, and has been correlated to the migraine-like symptoms of early fibromyalgia.

Can anything be done for sufferers of migraine headaches? The answer is yes. There are new prescription medications for treatment of migraines, but simpler natural solutions may effectively eliminate or lessen migraine suffering with less cost and side effects. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Watch what you eat. Keep a food diary, and notice the effects of the food listed above. If symptoms appear up to 18 hours after eating, avoid the food.

2. Try the herb “feverfew.” This potent herb reduces the release of serotonin and the production of an inflammatory substance known as prostaglandins. Both of these events in the body are associated with migraines. Taken regularly, it has been shown to prevent future attacks.
3. Take 800 mg. of L-carnitine a day. The amino acid L-carnitine decreases the sensitivity of the body’s nervous system to fluctuating oxygen levels, one of the key migraine triggers.
Take a calcium and magnesium supplement daily. These two minerals work in tandem to reduce the duration and severity of migraine attacks.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Be A Volunteer

Looking for volunteer opportunities? Go to www.volunteermatch.org

Monday, April 2, 2012

Dig Deeper For A More Effective Internet Search

If you’re only using traditional internet search engines to look for specific information, you may just be scratching the surface. You can expand your search and get more of the information you need by accessing the “Deep Web,” a vast amount of content in searchable databases that can only be accessed by direct query. Here’s how to get to this data:

• Use a specific site’s search engine. Google, for example, will not find all the information in the Library of Congress web pages (and if it did, it would bog everyone down). Instead, do your search on the Library of Congress web site directly at: www.loc.gov.

• Add the word “database” to your regular search. For example, if you’re searching Yahoo for information on toxic chemicals, you may find more specifics by searching “toxic chemicals database.”

• Use a “Deep Web” subject-focused search engine or directory. Traditional search engines are working on accessing all this data (Google Scholar already searches scholarly literature, books and reports) but, in the meantime, try a site such as www.completeplanet.com, which captures more than 70,000 searchable databases.

There are many specialty search engines. To name a few, check out www.pubmed.gov for health and medical information; the Librarians' Internet Index at www.ipl.org, a collaborative research directory; or www.artcyclopedia.com, which lists 9,000 artists and 2,600 art sites.

• Get a library card. Many public libraries offer access to research databases for users with a library card (some of these databases are subscription only or password protected). Some city or county Public Libraries, for example, subscribe to services you can access through your home computer such as NetLibrary eAudiobooks, Film and Television Literature Index, Computer Source and Consumer Health Complete.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Get Ready for That Big Move

Q. We’re planning to move to a new home soon. What steps can we take now to make our move go more smoothly?

A. Moving can be very stressful, but there are ways to help you tackle the task. Here are six quick tips to make your next move go more smoothly:

1. Have a garage sale well before you begin packing. That way you won’t be taking unnecessary items to your new home. (Here’s your chance to unload all the things you don’t want or don’t need any longer. You’ll be glad you did.)
2. Use sturdy, reinforced boxes. Go to a professional moving company to get the right boxes. Your grocer’s boxes just won’t do. Remember to pack your boxes carefully.
3. Use towels, blankets and pillows to separate pictures and fragile items. Pack all your glass items and dishes vertically and with packing materials to prevent any breakage.
4. Label all your boxes. Mark boxes with FRAGILE ITEMS on the outside.
5. Pack one box with essential items: coffee, tea, soap, toiletries, flashlight, plastic ware, snacks, paper towels that you can open when you arrive. Mark this box OPEN ME FIRST...that way you’ll have the essentials when you arrive at your new home.
6. Lastly, work with your moving company. Be sure to have your shipment’s registration number, and let the company know how to reach you at all times.
If you are in the market for a buying or selling a home and need competent and caring representation, please call me at 206-226-0565.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Not Getting Enough Exercise...

How to Get Back On Track

One of the best ways to stay fit is to have at least one athletic hobby: walking, swimming, bowling, tennis, golf, skiing, bicycling or even dancing. If you enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll stick with it.
Second, a workout partner can make the time go by more quickly, and you can have fun at the same time. Whether it’s a family member, friend or co-worker, a workout partner will encourage you on the days you may want to slide.
Third, hire a trainer if you have trouble maintaining an exercise program. A trainer can guide you through a program that works for you.
Remember to vary your workouts. This prevents overworking certain muscle groups, and it will keep you motivated.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Natural Health Remedies

Minor aches and pains can be an annoyance, but they’re usually not serious enough to warrant a trip to the doctor. You can treat most minor health problems yourself: minor cough, heartburn, swimmer’s ear, muscle strain, headache, and sinusitis. Here are six useful home remedies:
• Strained Muscle – Right after the injury, put ice on the injury for 20 minutes; elevate the area. Repeat every few hours.
• Tension Headache – Put a drop of lavender on your index fingers; rub the oil on your temples and the back of your neck.
• Heartburn – Mix ½-teaspoon baking soda and 1-cup warm water, and drink it to relieve the discomfort.
• Swimmer’s Ear – Warm ½ onion in the microwave for 10-20 seconds. Hold it close to your ear (but not touching) for one minute.
• Cough – Make hot tea from wild cherry bark, steep. Drink 1 cup.
• Sinusitis – ½-teaspoon salt dissolved in 1 cup of warm water. Gently breathe into your nostrils.
(If any symptoms are unusual, or don’t go away after a few days, or come on suddenly, call your physician.)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Is Your Cell Phone Getting You Lost?

Has this ever happened to you? A recent study of 96 drivers showed that 12 of 24 drivers using a cell phone with a headset missed their exit. According to the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society in New Orleans, the study also revealed that 3 of 24 drivers talking to a passenger missed their exit; and only two of 48 drivers unaccompanied and not talking missed their exit. It may be time to hang up the phone!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How To Get Rich?

The best way to get rich may be to own your own business! A survey conducted by Market Audit found business owners had a median net worth of about $250,000–that’s almost three times the average worker!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You’re In Over Your Head!

Most of us carry some type of debt: mortgage, car payments, credit cards, or educational loans. How do you know when you’re carrying too much debt? Most people fall into debt trouble with impulse buying. Here are five warning signs that you may be in dangerous debt trouble, and what you can do about it:
1. You’re unable to pay more than the minimum payments on your credit cards.
2. You have more than three major credit cards and they’re near the credit limit.
3. You use your credit cards to pay other bills.
4. You hide your bills from your spouse.
5. You don’t have a savings account.
If you answered “yes” to any of the above warning signs you may want examine your debt load and set up a realistic budget. If you are carrying credit card debt, begin by paying down the highest interest credit cards bills first. Resolve to not use credit cards unless you have the cash to pay your bill off when the bill arrives; otherwise, the first step to financial health is to remove the temptation and cut up your credit cards.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Parenting Truths!

• If you have trouble getting your children’s attention, just sit down and look comfortable.
• Money isn’t everything, but it sure keeps the kids in touch.
• Vacation is a time when parents realize that teachers are grossly underpaid.
• The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.
• There would be fewer problems with children if they had to chop wood to keep the television set going.
• Those who say they “sleep like a baby” don’t have one.
• The best thing to spend on your children is time.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Save Big and Drink Your Tap Water

Don’t be fooled. The bottled water you’re drinking may not be any safer than your tap water. According the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), some bottled water sold in the United States may contain bacteria and/or chemicals. And 30 percent of bottled water sold in the U.S. comes from a city or town’s tap water!

The NRDC cited one incidence where a bottled water brand labeled “spring water” actually came from a well in an industrial facility’s parking lot. While they reported that most bottled water was safe, about 30 percent of the bottled water they tested contained bacteria, synthetic organic chemicals and inorganic chemicals.

In another recent study, Dutch researchers found 40 percent of the bottled mineral water they tested from 16 countries, (not including the U.S.) showed the presence of bacteria or fungi.

Why should you care? First, people with a weakened immune system (children, the elderly, people with cancer, kidney failure, or AIDS,) may have an increased risk of infection from bacteria. Serious infections can develop from legionella, a bacteria causing Legionnaires disease, pneumonia like illness.

Secondly, bottled water is expensive. A five-year supply of bottled water (8 glasses a day) costs about $1,000. The same amount of tap water costs $1.65.

There are some regulations on bottled water. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) requires that if water is taken from a municipal source and not treated, the label must say it’s from a municipal source. If, the water is treated (using common technology) there is no requirement to label the municipal source.

The NRDC concluded that bottled water “should not be assumed to be purer or safer than most tap water.”

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Are You Feeling Groggy?

The expression dates back to the British Royal Navy, which gave sailors a daily ration of rum to keep them content. Most of them saved it up to have one big binge. Too much “grog” made them happy all right but it had a decidedly negative effect on their performance. Sounds true today!

Friday, March 23, 2012

5 Foods That Really Fill You Up

If you’re watching your weight, you can eat more than salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These foods will help fill you up, not out:

• Oatmeal (not instant). It’s a healthy carb with a high fiber content.

• Eggs. Eat them for breakfast and you’ll have about 330 calories less than usual throughout the rest of the day.

• Dark chocolate. Researchers say compounds in dark chocolate slow down digestion and make you feel full longer. But don’t eat the whole bar!

• Soup. A Pennsylvania State study showed that people who had two servings of low-calorie soup daily lost 50 percent more weight than those who ate the same number of calories in snack foods. Choose broth or vegetables, not the creamy variety.

• Pine nuts. They contain pinolenic acid, which stimulates hormones that suppress your appetite. Plus, your mouth likes the crunch.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring is the Best Time to Redecorate Your Home

Q. I want to redecorate our living space, but I don’t know where to begin. Do you have any decorating tips?

A. You can makeover your living space with these simple decorating tips:
1. Change your color palette. You can choose neutral and earth tones, such as whites, tans, beiges, and golds. A room of monotone decors appears more spacious. And you can dress up a room with white walls, a white sofa, and white or glass coffee tables with accented throw pillows, colorful table runners and placements, and decorative rugs.
2. Soften the lighting. Lighting adds warmth and drama to any room. A lamp or sconce lighting will provide more warmth and mood than overhead lighting. In your rooms, place your lamps and lighting arrangements so that they form a triangle of light in the room.
3. Rearrange the furniture. Try moving your sofas away from the wall. You can place two sofas in “V” formation with tables behind them. Or you can arrange the sofas so that they’re parallel to each other. Placing a rug between them creates a conversation area.
4. Create a focal point. Select a special focal point in your room: a piano, piece of art, picture, or floral arrangement. Make sure to hang your art and pictures at eye level. (Many people hang them too high.)
5. Create warmth. You can transform your dining room by adding lamps on each side of the buffet. Be sure to choose tall, sleek lamps to add drama to your dining area.
6. Experiment with ideas. Don’t be afraid to experiment with light, color, and furnishings. Use your own personality and charm to create the living space you’ll enjoy entertaining and spending time with your family.
If you are in the market for a buying or selling a home and need competent and caring representation, please call me at 206-226-0565.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Free Credit Reports

Now you’ll be able to get your free credit report thanks to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act. The three national credit bureaus: Equifax. Experian, and Transunion are required to provide consumers with their credit reports for free once per year. Your credit report and score can affect your ability to buy a home, the rate you can get on a car loan and the terms of these loans. The score is based on a formula that evaluates your credit file. The higher your score, the less your credit risk to lenders. To get your free credit report, go to www.AnnualCreditReport.com.

You also can order reports over the telephone at (877) 322-8228. For further information and tips, go to the Federal Trade Commission's Web site: www.ftc.gov/credit.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

7 Healthy Habits We Should all Live By

We all want our kids to do well in life...and not make some of the mistakes we might have made. Here are seven important money strategies to teach your kids that will serve them well throughout their lives:
1) Don’t carry debt. Avoid credit card debt. It’s expensive money! In fact, about 30% of college graduates will enter the workforce with $10,000 to $25,000 in credit card debt and other loans.
2) Pay yourself first. Have your children open an investment account and regularly have them put away money for goals and emergencies.
3) Set up a budget and track your expenses. Help your children set up their own budget, and teach them how to track their income (from allowances, gifts, money earned) and expenses.
4) Don’t compare yourself with others. A friend may drive a fancy car and wear expensive clothing, but they actually may be deeply in debt.
5) Don’t trust anyone with your money. No one cares as much about your money as you do.
6) Invest in a Roth IRA, and/or a market index when you start earning money. To reach long-term goals investing is a must.
7) Money doesn’t buy happiness. Money can make life easier when you don’t have to struggle financially to make ends meet. But money can’t buy love or happiness.

Monday, March 19, 2012

What Can You Learn From A Simple Blood Test?

How many episodes of ER have you watched and wondered...what exactly does the CBC tell these actors turned doctors? A CBC (complete blood count) can reveal a lot about your health. The CBC measures your hemoglobin (a protein that allows red blood cells to transport oxygen and gives blood its red color). Low hemoglobin indicates anemia.

A hematocrit measures the volume that red blood cells take up in the blood. Elevated numbers may indicate dehydration, or it may be an early sign of cancer or kidney disease. Low numbers indicate anemia. Your white blood cells (WBC) fight infection and promote healing. A high WBC count indicates a bacterial infection. Very low numbers may indicate exposure to toxic drugs or environmental toxins, or other diseases.

Your platelet count indicates your body’s ability to initiate blood clotting. A high number may indicate anemia, inflammation or a more serious condition. A low number may indicate an autoimmune disorder, allergic drug reaction, or an enlarged spleen. Your physician may order additional tests if your blood measurements don’t fall in the normal range.
If you any questions about your CBC, be sure to ask your physician to explain the ranges and results to you.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Easy Weight Loss Tip!

Here’s an easy way to drop five pounds a year—drink more water. Drinking water speeds up your metabolism, and helps your body burn more fat. Experts recommend 8 eight ounce glasses of water per day to fully hydrate, even more in a hot climate or summertime.

Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Maintain Strong Bones 4 Life

Nearly 10 million Americans suffer from Osteoporosis. By 2020, half of all citizens over 50 will be at high risk for developing the condition. In a recent report, “Bone Health and Osteoporosis,” U. S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona outlines important measures you can take to maintain strong, healthy and happy bones for life.

One of the most common myths, he says, is that only women need to worry about bone health. Osteoporosis affects men and women of all races. By age 75, osteoporosis is as common in men as it is in women!

Are you at risk? The first symptom of osteoporosis is a bone fracture. Other risk factors include: low calcium/vitamin D intake, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, body weight less than 125 lbs, long-term steroid medication like prednisone or cortisone, eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, and early menopause.

How to maintain strong bones? First, while bone weakness is evident in older Americans, strong bones begin in childhood. Here are four steps you can take today to prevent osteoporosis and maintain strong, healthy bones:

1. Get the recommended amount of daily calcium by drinking milk and eating green leafy vegetables, soybeans, yogurt, and cheese. (1,000 mg of calcium per day).
2. Exercise 30 minutes per day for adults; 60 minutes a day for children. This can be walking, running, or any weight-baring exercise.
3. Get Vitamin D (200 IU), which is produced in the skin by exposure to the sun. It’s also found in fortified milk and cereals
4. Your doctor can order a bone density test (DEXA), which measures bone density at the spine, hip, and wrist where most fractures occur.

For more information on osteoporosis, call 1-866-718-BONE, or go to www.surgeongeneral.gov.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Need Pain Relief? Try This…

If you’re looking to relieve pain – try meditation. People all over the world have recognized the benefits of meditation for thousands of years.
And recent studies show even brief training in meditation can help ease pain.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte researchers found that
students who received a single hour of mindfulness training over three days significantly reduced their awareness and sensitivity to pain. Other studies show that meditation is particularly helpful to people who suffer from chronic back pain, fibromyalgia and migraines. Here’s how you can get started:

 Understand that most types of meditation have four elements in common: 1) a quiet location, 2) a specific and comfortable posture,
3) a focus of attention, and 4) an open attitude.

 Try this 3-minute exercise called A.C.E. recommended by Psychologist Elisha Goldstein, PhD. Do it several times a day:
• Awareness. Spend 60 seconds becoming aware of what is happening right now in your thoughts and emotions.
• Collecting. Spend another 60 seconds collecting your attention on your breathing. Notice where you are breathing most prominently ─ your nose, chest or belly.
• Expanding. Spend another 60 seconds expanding your awareness into your physical body and noticing sensations like tingling, warmth, pain and coolness at specific sites.

 Practice. Dr. Robert Bonakdar from the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine says the idea is to relax your body and become aware of your pain without judging it or fixating on it. Instead of running away from pain, come to terms with it. The reduced tension helps ease pain.

Educate yourself. You can buy books and tapes on all kinds of relaxation techniques (mindfulness meditation, mantra meditation, relaxation response, guided imagery etc.) or seek out information on the internet. Marijuana has proven benefits for many patients, and should not be ruled out. Try different techniques to see which one best suits you. If you have chronic pain, you might consider taking formal training.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Is it Really Natural and Organic?

If a product is advertised as “natural” and “organic,” it’s good for you, right? That’s not necessarily the case. While the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has taken some enforcement actions against companies, food labels still need improving. Don’t be fooled: Here’s what to look for to select the healthiest products for your family.

• “Zero trans fat.” That may be true but it could mean the product is high in saturated fat. Be sure to read the Nutrition Facts label for the full story.

• “Low calorie” or “Reduced fat.” Compared to what? Chances are the company has a previous, higher calorie version of the product.

• “Made with real fruit.” That may be in the form of a concentrate and the primary ingredient may be sugar. You’re better off eating an apple.

• “Natural.” This word isn’t regulated. To be sure a product is natural, buy from a local farmer or buy food that is certified organic by the USDA.

• Ingredient label tricks. Since ingredients are listed in order of their proportion in the product, the first three are what you’re primarily eating.
A manufacturer may use various sugars (sucrose, high-fructose corn
syrup, dextrose etc.) in the product so the word “sugar” isn’t listed first.

• Combining healthy ingredients. The actual amount of the healthy ingredients may put them at the end of the list. By combining them into a “blend” or “mix” they can make it to the top.

• “Yeast extract.” It’s a labeling trick to hide monosodium glutamate (MSG), which can cause side effects for people sensitive to this additive.

• Using the word “wheat.” All flour derived from wheat can be called “wheat flour,” even if it’s processed. The key is to look for “whole grain wheat flour” on the ingredient list to make sure you’re eating whole wheat.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Earnest Money is the Glue That Holds a Deal Together

Q. I am saving money to buy a home, but I’m not totally clear on what the term “earnest money” means. What is earnest money?

A. First, let me commend you on saving money for a home. Buying a house is probably the most important purchase you’ll make in your lifetime – and having cash available gives you more options with your purchase.

Earnest money is an important factor when you’re making an offer on a house. When you make an offer to purchase a house, the “earnest money” is the deposit that shows the buyer you are serious about the purchase. The money opens the escrow and can be applied to the buyers’ down payment or closing costs.

The earnest money amount is negotiable. It typically varies depending on the price of the house and strength of the market. Generally, it’s recommended that your earnest money deposit be about two percent of your offered price. And although earnest money is not required by law in most states, it’s standard practice in real estate transactions.

When the seller accepts your offer and earnest money, the property is taken off the market. In a hot real estate market, a large deposit may impress a seller enough so they will accept your offer instead of someone else’s. However, buyer beware…it can also put you at significant financial risk if for some reason the transaction runs into trouble not covered by a contingency in your purchase agreement.

The Standard Offer And Purchase Contract stipulates under what conditions your earnest money will be returned if the contract fails. If you are in the market for a home and need competent and caring representation, please call me at 206-226-0565.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Why Do They Call It Bing?

Microsoft’s new search engine is not named after a cherry and does not stand for “But It’s Not Google.” It’s meant to represent the sound of something found, as in “Bingo! I’ve got it!”

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Walk Your Way To Weight Loss!

Would you like to get more exercise, but just can’t find the time? The America on the Move (AOM) program at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center says there’s an easy way to get moving. You can lose weight, and increase your energy by wearing a pedometer. A pedometer helps you monitor how much exercise you’re getting each day. More exercise adds up to weight loss and an increase in your energy.

Just by adding about 2,000 steps a day to your daily activities and eating 100 calories less, (about what’s in a slice of bread), you’ll begin to see results. Every step counts and you can see them adding up. You’ll be more likely to park farther away from work or the store in the parking lot. You could take a short walk after dinner in the evening.

And it’s EASY...no trips to the gym, no exercise equipment to buy, and you can monitor how much exercise you’re getting during the day.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Financial Challenges Get Easier With a Little Help From Your Friends

That’s what Trent from “The Simple Dollar” blog calls someone close to you who seems to be facing similar financial challenges as you are. While a spouse is certainly a “money buddy,” it’s helpful to choose someone else (with a spouse’s okay) who can lend a different perspective. By linking up with that person (or a couple), you can support each other and benefit financially and psychologically. Here are 5 things you can do for each other:

Relieve tension and talk it out. Most of us keep our financial problems to ourselves. You’ll ease your stress if you have someone you trust to talk to. How much information you share is up to you.

Give and get advice from fresh eyes. When you’ve reached a point of financial indecision (“Which debt do I pay off first?” “What bank should I use?”), a money buddy is a second set of eyeballs to look at the situation.

Hold each other accountable for goals. If you set a goal for yourself, share it with your buddy and remind each other of your goals regularly. Knowing your buddy knows your goal can be a great motivator.

Share knowledge and resources. Split the cost of a warehouse shopping club membership or divide the items you buy in bulk.

Celebrate each other’s progress and successes. It’s even more gratifying when you take the journey together.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Try It…It Works!

Are you a member of the WD-40 fan club? Try these amazing uses:
• Untangle jewelry chains
• Lubricate window tracks
• Loosen stubborn zippers
• Clean scuff marks off floors
• Keep pigeons off balconies (they hate the smell)
• Protect silver from tarnishing
• Remove tar & grime from cars

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sometimes a Little Stress is OK

Some forms of stress can be helpful. Say you take a
drink of coffee and burn your mouth. Chances are, you’ll
remember to test it before you drink next time. But what
if you spend all week practicing how to ask your boss
for a raise? Then, right before you talk to your boss, you
get an angry call from a customer. In this case, you may
have trouble remembering what you wanted to say.
It turns out there’s a link between stress and memory.

A recent study shows that when stress hormones are
released during or right after an event, they can make
that event easier to remember. But if they’re released
before or too long after an event, your memory of that
event is likely to fade. So, you clearly remember being
burned by hot coffee—ouch! But the stress of the angry
customer, hours after you planned your speech, makes
you forget what you wanted to say to your boss.

In the right amounts, stress can be helpful. It can help
you run from or fight danger. It can also help you learn
and remember important things. But stress that stops
you from doing what you want or need to do is not
helpful. Over time, if stress lasts too long or happens
too often, it can harm your health.

While there really isn’t a way to live without stress, you
can learn to deal with it in helpful ways. This can help
you maintain the right amount of stress—and live a
healthier, happier life.
Here are a few ways to deal with stress before it gets in
your way:

Learn to love lists: Use lists to give your mind a
rest. If you write it down, you won’t have to worry
about forgetting it.

Plan big and little: Set short- and long-term goals
to get where you want to go. Write them down to
keep you on track.

Think happy thoughts: Positive thoughts can go
a long way. Notice when you think you’ve “failed.”
Then tell yourself you’ll try again instead.
ÀÀ Stick with your healthy plans: Don’t let stress get
in the way of healthy choices. Eat well, exercise,
and get plenty of sleep.
As experts learn more about how stress affects our
bodies, we can learn more ways to cope with it.
Remember that some stress is normal. But too much
may mean it’s time to learn new stress management

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What You Should Know About Identity Theft

Guess who are the next victims of identity theft – children! It’s hard to believe but criminals are searching for dormant social security numbers (SSN) online and selling them to people (strangers or even their family members) who use them to establish phony credit. Victims may not know it’s happened until they are older and apply for financial aid or try to open a line of credit.

While you can’t prevent identity theft, you can take steps to limit the opportunities for it to happen. Here’s what you can do and look for:

 Safeguard your child’s SSN and only give it out on a “need to know” basis. School sports teams and doctors’ offices do not have to have the number. Be cautious about disclosing place and date of birth details, particularly online (cybercriminals can find SSNs based on that information). Teach your kids not to give out personal information, especially on social networks (have them use nick names or code names when filling out online profiles).

 Watch for red flags like these:
• You receive checks, pre-approved credit card offers or bank statements in your child’s name. Note: the pre-approved credit card offer may just be a marketing tool sent by an affiliate of your bank because you opened a college fund for your child.
• You get calls from collection agencies.
• Your teen is denied a driver’s license because another person has a license with that SSN. The imposter may even have accumulated tickets or citations in the child’s name

 If you suspect anything, call Social Security and ask if any income has been reported with your child’s number. You can see if there’s a credit report for your child, but don’t do so unless you have a strong indication of theft (ordering a report unnecessarily opens the door to thieves).

For more information, see sites such as www.idtheftcenter.org.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Time to Learn New Stress Management Skills

Some forms of stress can be helpful. Say you take a
drink of coffee and burn your mouth. Chances are, you’ll
remember to test it before you drink next time. But what
if you spend all week practicing how to ask your boss
for a raise? Then, right before you talk to your boss, you
get an angry call from a customer. In this case, you may
have trouble remembering what you wanted to say.
It turns out there’s a link between stress and memory.

A recent study shows that when stress hormones are
released during or right after an event, they can make
that event easier to remember. But if they’re released
before or too long after an event, your memory of that
event is likely to fade. So, you clearly remember being
burned by hot coffee—ouch! But the stress of the angry
customer, hours after you planned your speech, makes
you forget what you wanted to say to your boss.
In the right amounts, stress can be helpful. It can help
you run from or fight danger. It can also help you learn
and remember important things. But stress that stops
you from doing what you want or need to do is not
helpful. Over time, if stress lasts too long or happens
too often, it can harm your health.

While there really isn’t a way to live without stress, you
can learn to deal with it in helpful ways. This can help
you maintain the right amount of stress—and live a
healthier, happier life.
Here are a few ways to deal with stress before it gets in
your way:

Learn to love lists: Use lists to give your mind a
rest. If you write it down, you won’t have to worry
about forgetting it.
ÀÀ Plan big and little: Set short- and long-term goals
to get where you want to go. Write them down to
keep you on track.

Think happy thoughts: Positive thoughts can go
a long way. Notice when you think you’ve “failed.”
Then tell yourself you’ll try again instead.

Stick with your healthy plans: Don’t let stress get
in the way of healthy choices. Eat well, exercise,
and get plenty of sleep.
As experts learn more about how stress affects our
bodies, we can learn more ways to cope with it.
Remember that some stress is normal.

Monday, March 5, 2012

How Will You Spend the Money You Save by Quitting?

Did you know that tobacco companies spend over $34
million dollars a day to market their products to you? If
they spend this much on ads, they’re probably pocketing
quite a bit more. So how much of their profits come out
of your pocket? And what would you spend that money
on if you didn’t smoke?

Because of taxes, the cost of cigarettes can vary based
on what part of the country you live in. But most packs
in the U.S. cost between $5 and $10. If you assume an
average price of $7 per pack, here’s what you’re trading
each time you buy tobacco.

For the cost of 1 pack ($7), you could buy:
A foot-long submarine sandwich, a name brand
T-shirt, or a best-selling paperback novel.

For the cost of 10 packs ($70), you could buy:
A fancy new coffeemaker, the latest video game, or
dinner for 2 at your local steakhouse.

For the cost of 50 packs ($350), you could buy:
New hiking gear, a new cell phone, or a weekend
getaway for 2.

For the cost of 100 packs ($700), you could buy:
A big new plasma television, a new bicycle, or a
year’s membership for 2 at a gym.

What else do you really want or need? Have you had
your eye on a new laptop computer? Or maybe you need
a new car? How many packs of cigarettes not smoked
will that cost you? When you think in this new way, it
can make your habit seem really expensive.
Along with the dollar cost of tobacco come many health
costs. The risks of tobacco include damage to your skin,
teeth, bones, lungs, and heart. Tobacco use can also
take years off of your life.

If you want to quit smoking, keep in mind that there are
many people who want to help. Start by talking to your
doctor. Your employer, your health insurance company,
or a trained tobacco cessation coach may also be able
to help. These resources can support you in breaking the
habit. How you’ll spend the money you save by quitting
is up to you.