Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Amazing Power of Positive Thinking

Did you know that you can determine your happiness and success just by the way you think? Scientists and athletes have proved that you can control your thinking (and optimism) by using techniques like neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), cognitive awareness, and even hypnosis.

Let’s face it: you can’t always change events in your life…but you can change the way you perceive them. Here are 10 strategies you can use to get the power of positive thinking working for you:

1. Choose To Be Positive. Yes, optimism is a choice. Make a commitment each morning to be positive…to choose the uplifting side of life.
2. Use Empowering Self-Talk. Use words like, “How can I,” “It’s possible.” “It can be done!” rather than “why me”, “not again”, etc.
3. Exercise daily. Commit to getting some kind physical exercise everyday! Whether it’s walking, swimming, dancing, riding a bike, playing tennis or golf, choose something that you enjoy and make the commitment to yourself.
5. Surround Yourself With Positive People. Choose to surround yourself with positive role models, whether they’re friends, colleagues, or business associates. Negative people can drag you down.
6. Find Balance In Your Life. Limit your news intake each day. Stay informed, but focus on positive news. Make it a practice to read at least one daily inspirational story, quote, or book every day.
7. Focus On Your Posture. When you stand, walk, or sit with good posture, you’ll not only feel and look better you’ll radiate self confidence!
8. Set-backs Are Not Forever. When faced with a setback, remember that it’s not forever – things will get better. Keep a broad perspective: situations change constantly, and there’s more in life than the specific problem you’re facing.
9. Don’t Personalize Problems. Events can happen that are outside of your control – try not to internalize them.
10. Think Positively and Expect Positive Outcomes. Your ultimate success and happiness in life will not be determined by the setbacks you encounter, but by the setbacks you overcome, learn from, and continue onward.

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