Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Improve Outpatient Surgery Outcomes

Outpatient surgery sounds like it would be less invasive and safer than procedures that require overnight care in the hospital. However, unintended consequences can happen. Here are tips for keeping yourself safe and healthy during outpatient surgery. 1. Select your surgeon carefully. Even if your procedure seems minor, your doctor should be board certified in the field that is relevant to your condition, and his or her certifications should be up to date. Also, ask how many similar operations he or she has performed in the past year, and see how this compares to peers. Check a surgeon rating website such as to find out how your surgeon ranks. 2. Disclose all current medications and supplements. Your surgeon and anesthesiologist need to know about every prescription and OTC medication and supplement you are taking, as some can cause complications during and after surgery. Have this conversation well in advance of your procedure, because you may need to stop taking certain meds two weeks or more before the operation. 3. Prepare in advance. Put your body in the best possible condition by eating well, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. Stop smoking and drinking prior to your surgery. And don’t let anxiety get the best of you. Deep breathing (, positive thinking, and meditation help put you in the right state of mind. 4. Ask all questions. Make sure you fully understand your procedure and what you can expect afterward. Have a plan for your recovery and make arrangements ahead of time if you need to hire human help or implement mobility and dietary changes in your life.

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