Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Multipurpose Garage

A garage may seem like the space to dump miscellaneous items, tools, and garbage/recycling. “It’s not cluttering up the house, so why does it matter?!” you might think to yourself. Here’s the thing, though: you could be losing an opportunity to use it for storage and a new functional space. Some good ways to make it a dual-purpose room include: • Install an attic lift to gain additional storage for items you only use one season a year, like camping stuff. • Store bikes on hanging racks that are flush with the wall. • Consider installing a livable floor coating, like epoxy or polished concrete. Then you could portion off a part of the garage to use as a media room, den, or creative space. • Speak to your electrician about adding outlets and lighting so that the space can be used at all times of day. • Add drywall and insulation to keep the space warm in winter time and give it a more home-like feeling. • Use storage systems like shelving racks and give each rack a job. For example, store similar items together like tools, which you can keep separate from gardening stuff, or use a rack for overflow storage for the kitchen.

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