Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Email Tips To Get More Done

These email tips will get more people to respond to your emails and help you get work done faster: 1. State the content and purpose in the subject line. This gives the recipient a chance to sort and prioritize their email. Be specific and if you need a response quickly, add “Action Required” or “Response Needed” to the subject line. 2. Know when to use CC and BCC. Use CC to copy people who are directly involved. This keeps them involved in the email conversation. Use BCC when you want to notify someone that an email was sent but you don’t want the main recipient to see who you are notifying. 3. Use “Forward” effectively. When someone responds and you want to notify another person, simply Forward the email with a message that says, “FYI.” If someone has not responded to your email after several days or weeks, go to your Sent Messages and Forward them your email but change the subject line to say, “FWD: Did you get this?”

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