Monday, May 23, 2022

Wear That Bicycle Helmet

Did you know that up to 85% of head injuries to bicyclists can be prevented just by wearing a helmet? With more and more people riding bicycles for exercise and fun, it’s a sport that’s not just for kids anymore. Here are four important tips that can help make your next ride a safe one. 1) Your bicycle helmet should have a snug fit, but feel comfortable. Select a helmet that is recommended by the National Standards Institute, 2) Wear appropriate clothing. Clothing should be light and close fitting to avoid being caught in the bicycle’s moving parts. 3) Make sure your bike is adjusted properly. Check that all parts are secure and working. The handlebars should be firmly in place and turn easily. The wheels should be straight and secure. 4) Check tires for proper pressure and make sure there are no bulges or cracks. For more information on bicycling and bike safety, go to

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