Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Learn New Tech Skills

If you find yourself getting overwhelmed every time you try to learn how to use the latest gizmo or program, you’re not alone. Luckily, many of the same learning techniques that make it easier to master any new skill can apply to learning new tech skills, too. Remember: It’s not hard, it’s just new. 1. Add in something you enjoy. Start with a favorite hobby or topic and you’re more apt to stick with it through the learning curve. If you’re an avid gardener, for instance, maybe you want to learn how to use an app on your new, confusing phone that helps you identify plants and how best to care for them. 2. Take baby steps. It’s easy to lose focus quickly if you’re getting overwhelmed, so set a series of small goals rather than one big one. Take breaks after each goal is met, so you can return to the next part of the process refreshed and ready to focus again. First goal: learn now to turn the darn thing on! 3. Choose teachers wisely. Just because someone is an expert with the latest gadget doesn’t mean they’re good at teaching anyone else how to use it. If you have a friend or family member who you know is patient and good at explaining things, ask if they’d be willing to help you learn. 4. Do, don’t just watch. You’ll have a better chance of retaining what you learn if you actually do it, rather than just watching your teacher do it. 5. Practice. Once you’ve learned a skill, it’s important to keep that knowledge fresh by using your new skill—don’t set it aside for a week and forget everything you learned.

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