Thursday, October 8, 2020

Tipping Tips…

Do you get a little nervous when it comes time to calculate the tip in a restaurant? While it varies by country, here are some tips about tipping in the U.S.: A common tip is 17 to 20 percent (depending on the restaurant, location, extra service provided etc.). Don’t tip under 10 percent. One method is to double the sales tax and add that as the tip. You don’t have to tip on the tax. When a gratuity is included for a large party, it’s added pre-tax. However, servers include the tax when they “cash-out” and determine what they share with busboys, runners, etc. so it does benefit more people if you do. You can leave a small tip due to bad service but you are more or less “punishing everyone” when it may be, for example, a kitchen problem. Leave some tip, but tell the manager that you didn’t have a good experience. Remember we are all human and make mistakes.

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