Monday, May 11, 2020

Is this the right time to put your home on the market?

I am often asked by home owners if it is prudent to put their home on the market during the pandemic, or if they should wait until after the vaccine and the worst has past us. My answer is that they should definitely consider putting their home on the market, because we now offer a higher exposure ratio. New on the market homes are selling very quickly!! The key to this analysis is understanding the real estate definition for “new on the market”. New on the market refers only to the first thirty days that a home is on the market. It is commonly known that this period of time is the most crucial for any home sale. The reason for this is that new properties receive the most exposure during this strange time, so there is a greater chance of making a sale. A large part of what contributes to those high rates of exposure is that there are fewer homes listed right now, resulting in fewer “new on the market” properties. In other words, there is not as much competition for sales, so homes have the potential to receive much more exposure than it would during more normal times when there are significantly more homes on the market, further increasing the exposure and potential sale for current listings. I’m encouraging owners to consider selling due the very advantageous conditions, including low home inventory and very low interest rates. When you combine high exposure ratios for homes and the serge of buyers that continue to come into the market, this is an advantageous time to consider selling. Selling your home is a big job and should not be left to chance. Expect nothing but the highest level of service when selecting professionals to represent your interests in the sale of your property. While there are many agents to choose from, it is important to recognize that there are varying degrees of knowledge, experience and commitment to meeting your real estate needs.

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