Friday, September 18, 2015

Help A Child With Homework

Whether you were the child or the parent, you’ve probably experienced the parent-child struggle with homework. Help your child learn to be responsible for their choices and foster a good work ethic that will last a lifetime: 1. Know your child’s teachers, and check with them weekly on assignments and homework policies. 2. Schedule a regular time every day that your child knows is homework time. Make sure everyone at home is quiet and there are no distractions. 3. Never fight over homework. You both lose when there’s a power struggle. The child gets to push your buttons, the homework isn’t done, and you both end up tired and defeated. Remind the child free time will not happen until the task is done. 4. Consider a reward schedule. If the child completes homework on time for a week, let them pick a fun activity (going to a movie or playing at a friend’s house) as a reward. On the flip side, enforce consequences if your child’s grades drop as a result of not getting homework done – they can’t study alone, or you have to watch them more closely.

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