Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Avoid These Mistakes To Keep Your Home Safe From Burglars

Experienced burglars do their homework before breaking into your home, and you’re making it easier for them! Surveys conducted of convicted burglars reveal the following common mistakes to avoid:  Putting your door key under a potted plant, welcome mat, or rock. Better idea: Give an extra key to a neighbor.  Leaving a note on the front door for a visitor, that says you’ll be back soon. An experienced burglar only needs five minutes to make a clean sweep of your home. Better idea: Text your visitor, letting them know when you’ll be back.  Hiding valuables in the bedroom. The first places burglars look are the underwear drawer, between the mattress, and on the highest shelf of the master bedroom closet. Better idea: Use a safe or safety deposit box for high-priced items.  Leaving big boxes from high-ticket items on the curb. New electronics have a higher value for resale. Better idea: Fold or cut the box into pieces and hide it in a trash can.  Not stopping newspaper and mail delivery and leaving a light on when out of town. A pile of papers and no lights on are easy clues no one is home. Better idea: Have a neighbor pick the items up, and buy a timer to turn your lights on and off to make it appear you’re home.

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