Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Brain Food - How to be Smarter

Would you like to know how you can make yourself smarter? It’s really quite simple. There are certain foods that make your brain work better. To improve your memory and brain function, eat more foods high in choline. According to Dr. Arthur Winter, coauthor of Build Your Brain Power, foods high in choline include: soy, fish, beef, dairy, egg yolks, oatmeal, brown rice, liver and wheat germ.

Eating foods high in Vitamin B12, such as red meat, liver, eggs, and dairy, also will improve memory and brain power. Winter recommends taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement to ensure you’re getting what your body needs. You can take Vitamin C (a powerful antioxidant) to reduce stress to your brain tissue.

To improve alertness, memory, and focus make sure you eat three servings of protein (chicken, fish, beef, soy, and dairy) each day. Your brain is regulated by amino acids, and these foods have the necessary amino acids your brain needs. If you are a vegan, make sure to balance your diet with legumes and nuts. Lastly, folic acid, another B vitamin, helps brain function by improving mood and alertness. It’s found in green leafy veggies, broccoli, cereals, meat, and lentils. Bon appetit!

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