Saturday, October 29, 2011

Some Good College Advice…

If you just sent your son or daughter off to college, chances are you gave him or her plenty of advice. Here are three points you may have missed, thanks to Trent Hamm of

Don’t worry too much about picking a major early on. You don’t have to know what you want to do right now. Try things you’ve never done before. This is the time to see what does or does not interest you.

The biggest value you’ll get from college is your relationships with other people. Build relationships with students, professors, staff members, anyone you respect, admire and enjoy being with. They may help you with your career path and end up being your friends for life.

The biggest value you’ll get from your classes is transferable skills. You’ll learn to process information, manage your time and communicate (writing, speaking, presenting) with a variety of people. You’ll get as much value out of learning how to learn a particular subject (say, Western Philosophy) than you may get out of the specific subject itself. These are skills you’ll use no matter what career you pursue.

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