Saturday, February 5, 2011

Seven Ways to Make Your Home Healthier

Q. How can I make my home healthier for my family?

A. Whether you have an older home or a new one, you can make your home healthier by following these seven basic principles recommended by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

1. Keep your home dry. Check for external and internal leaks in roofing and plumbing. Moisture invites mold, which can cause serious problems.
2. Keep it clean. Clean surfaces frequently to control allergy-causing dust.
3. Keep it safe. Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Have fire extinguishers available on each floor.
4. Keep it well-ventilated. Increase the amount of fresh air, which improves respiratory health.
5. Keep it pest free. Seal cracks and openings to keep the critters out and store all food securely.
6. Keep it contaminant free. Check for deteriorating lead-based paint in homes built before 1978. Have your home tested for radon.
7. Keep it well maintained. Routinely inspect your home and make repairs. Better to fix small problems before they become bigger ones.

If you have any questions, or need capable and trustworthy representation, please call me at 206-226-0565.

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