Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fall Energy Audit

Have you ever conducted a “Home Energy Audit” on your home? It could save you a lot of money by lowering energy costs this winter. A home energy audit evaluates how much energy your home uses. Though a professional audit is a good idea, here’s how you can conduct a personal walk-through assessment of your own to help cut costs.  Seek out air leaks or drafts. Look for gaps along baseboards, on the edge of flooring, around outlets and switches, and where walls meet the ceiling. Anywhere two different building materials meet is a potential place for leakage. If there are cracks or holes, seal them (depending on where they are, use caulk or weatherstripping. You can search energy.gov for those products to learn how to use them).  Evaluate insulation. Insufficient insulation contributes to heat loss, especially in older homes, but it’s inexpensive to fix. Find out how much insulation is recommended for homes in your area, then go into your attic and measure the depth of your home’s insulation. To measure insulation in the walls, you’ll need an infrared thermometer, which can usually be borrowed /rented from stores like McLendon.  Assess heating features. Furnaces and other similar features should be inspected annually or as recommended by the manufacturer. Check and replace filters as needed, and make a note to keep them cleaned and changed on a regular basis. Call Glendale Heating for a regular service and checkup this fall at 206-243-7700.  Identify energy-sucking appliances and electronics. Even if you aren’t using them, anything that is plugged in to an outlet may be consuming power. Common culprits include office equipment like printers and kitchen appliances such as coffee makers. Unplug these items when they aren’t in use, or plug them into a power strip that can be turned off. Get rid of the extra refrigerator or freezer if you can.

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