Tuesday, January 10, 2023

In Over Your Head!

Most of us carry some type of debt: mortgage, car payments, credit cards, or educational loans. How do you know when you’re carrying too much debt? Most people fall into debt trouble with impulse buying. Here are five warning signs that you may be in dangerous debt trouble, and what you can do about it: 1. You’re unable to pay more than the minimum payments on your credit cards. 2. You have more than three major credit cards and they’re near the credit limit. 3. You use your credit cards to pay other bills. 4. You hide your bills from your spouse. 5. You don’t have a savings account. If you answered “yes” to any of the above warning signs you may want examine your debt load and set up a realistic budget. If you are carrying credit card debt, begin by paying down the highest interest credit cards bills first. Resolve to not use credit cards unless you have the cash to pay your bill off when the bill arrives; otherwise, the first step to financial health is to remove the temptation and cut up your credit cards.

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