Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Everyday Relaxation

Even though modern life has countless benefits (most people these days aren’t churning their own butter, for instance), those benefits come with countless additional stressors. Everyone feels pressed for time, and self-care often takes a back seat. Next time you need a break from the everyday grind, here are some relaxing activities to try that don’t involve eating or drinking anything. • Meditating: Simply resting quietly for a few minutes while concentrating on your breathing helps relax the body and mind. • Reading: Put down all the electronics and get lost in a good book. • Working on a Puzzle: If you have the space, keep an in-progress puzzle available at all times for when you want even just 10 or 15 minutes of relaxation in the middle of a hectic day. • Organizing: Many people find cleaning and organizing their spaces extremely relaxing, both the process and the result. • Doing an Art Project: Grab a coloring book and a set of colored pens or pencils. Take a sketchbook on your next walk. Learn origami. Play your favorite instrument. • Playing a Game: Shuffle a deck of cards for a game or two of solitaire. Pick up the newspaper’s crossword puzzle. Or, if you have friends or family around, get everyone involved in a fun board game.

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