Thursday, July 15, 2021

Home Security – Worth It?

Having a secure home means you can sleep soundly at night knowing you and your loved ones are completely safe. You can either put the system together yourself or hire a professional to do it. Consider these pros and cons in deciding if installing your own home security is right for you. Pros:  Cost. If you pay for professional installation, expect to pay up to several thousand dollars for services, including arming sensors and motion detectors, and prepping monitoring systems. Tip: If you choose professional installation, ask about available promotions to reduce costs.  Install the system you want. You can choose from more customizable systems and services that might result in lower month-to-month monitoring costs.  Ownership. Usually DIY equipment is owned by the person who buys it – you! And, if you move houses, you’re free to take it with you.  Step-by-step assistance. DIY systems usually have prompts, so you can properly follow the installation sequence. Sometimes companies with DIY installation kits also offer on-the-go help by phone. Cons:  Time and effort. You can install at your leisure, but you’ll have to put in the time to make sure it’s done properly. This may include time on the phone trouble-shooting any problems.  Lack of expertise. A professional technician ensures your system is fully and properly installed and can walk you through how to operate it – something you don’t get if you DIY.  Fewer warranties. If you install your own equipment, you may not qualify for warranties because no one can guarantee whether it was done correctly. Additionally, you may invalidate warranties on windows, doors, and other parts of the home when installing the system.  Repair costs. Professional installation often comes with repairs for free or at a reduced cost. With a DIY system, you’re on your own.

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