Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Stay Safe Around Bees

Being attacked by bees, wasps, and hornets is not common, but they are responsible for 58 deaths every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Though the average adult (if not allergic) can theoretically tolerate more than 1,000 stings, it’s best to avoid being stung altogether. A swarm of bees can happen quickly and without provocation, but there are things you can do to minimize potential harm.  Maintain diligence when doing yardwork. Keep kids and animals inside when using lawn mowers, hedge clippers, and other similar tools in case you accidentally disturb a nest.  Check for bee nests regularly in water meter boxes, flower pots, trees, and shrubs. If you find one, call a pest control company to remove it.  If you encounter bees and they are undisturbed, do not move excessively. Back out of the situation slowly.  If you are swarmed, run as fast as possible in a straight line. Cover your head. Do not flail your arms or swing at the bees, and do not jump into water. Ideally, you should seek shelter in something that closes completely, like a building or car.

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