Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Best Way to Find Reputable Contractors

We’re getting ready to remodel our home. What’s the best way to find a reputable contractor without being taken to the cleaners? Complaints about home improvement contractors are one of the most frequent grievances received by the Better Business Bureau and the office of state attorneys general. So you are wise to ask this question. Here are five ways you can improve your chances of finding a reputable contractor: 1. Get referrals from other building professionals. Ask professionals who you know. For example, ask your plumber, roofer, painter for recommendations. Since they work with other contractors on other jobs, they know who’s good and who is not. 2. Get references. Get three customer references from the contractor for similar projects that were completed in the past two years. Check these references carefully, and maybe even see the work that was done. Ask them if they would hire the contractor again. 3. Check the contractor’s license, insurance, and permits. Make sure they are in order. Contact the Registrar of Contractors in your area. 4. Get a written cost estimate with specific details, schedule, and the projected completion date. This is one of the most important aspects, just remember if you request changes when the work is being completed it will cost more and you should get those changes in writing as well. If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home and need competent and caring representation, please call me at 206-226-0565.

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