Thursday, August 29, 2024


Being liked puts you on the fast track to success in everything you do. You are naturally likable by being genuine and sincere, but here are some simple tips that can give you a psychological advantage and result in people liking you even more: • Like yourself first. Be confident in your strengths. Your likability increases as you increase your ability to like yourself. Smiling and sharing your positivity will bring out the same in others. • Maintain eye contact during conversations but keep it in balance (about 60 percent of the time). Nod your head when you’re speaking and people will be inclined to agree with you. • Demonstrate that you like people. Remember their names and use them. (One trick to remembering names is to say the name to someone else.) If you ask a question, give the person time to respond. Remaining silent and waiting for an answer can be especially useful in negotiations. • Learn active listening. Do this by a) paying attention; b) using body language to show you’re interested; c) giving feedback, such as rephrasing what a person says to you to show that you understood them; d) asking questions, but not interrupting; and e) giving your opinion respectfully. If you disagree with someone, look for ways to find common ground. • Don’t overdo it. You don’t need everyone to like you to be successful. Aim to increase your likability factor to the people who matter to you (and your success) most.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Avoid a Car Accident

Isn’t it scary? You’re driving along and suddenly you don’t have control of your vehicle. You grip the steering wheel with both hands and with one violent thrust, press down on the brake pedal as hard as you can. You look up, then breathe a sigh of relief. No one was hurt. You were lucky…but what if there were another car around? Most people rely on luck to save them when they get in a situation that could lead to a car accident. The feeling is, accidents on the road are unavoidable. Collisions from someone making a bad decision or being distracted, like running a red light or merging into your car, can and do happen even if you’re the safest driver in the world. But there are accidents you can avoid and they’re actually the most common reasons why car accidents occur. Everyone will face one if not all four of these situations where you lose control of your vehicle. Here’s exactly what to do if, and when, they happen to you: 1. Suddenly Swerving? – Do this: If you have to swerve to avoid hitting an animal or another car, turn your car first, then press the brake pedal. 2. Tire Blowout? – Do this: If you hear a loud pop and suddenly lose control, steer the car as straight as possible and don’t turn or brake. Press the gas pedal slightly to accelerate, which helps keep the car under control. Then slowly decelerate by pressing the brake to stop your vehicle. 3. Running Off The Road? – Do this: If the side of your car drops off the edge of the road, steer straight and slow down gradually as you come to a stop on the shoulder. Then drive back onto the road. 4. Sliding On Pavement? – Do this: If the roads are wet or icy and your car starts to slide, turn in the direction of the slide and let off the gas. Don’t slam on your brakes or they could lock up, press the brake slowly.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

5 Steps to Boost Your Charisma

Can we develop charisma? Yes, you can, says, D.A. Benton, author of Executive Charisma. Here are five skills you can practice to improve your charisma quotient. 1. Be confident. When introducing yourself say your name and then tell something about yourself. This helps to draw a question from the other person, and can lead the person into a conversation with you. 2. Walk with purpose. Pause before entering a room and project confidence as you walk into the room. 3. Use the double hand shake. When you shake someone’s hand, use the two-handed grasp. While shaking with right hand, your left hand grasps the person’s arm at or below the elbow. 4. Focus on your goal. Charismatic people know what they want and are passionate about it. Focus on what you want and how to get there. 5. Be a good listener. Listen when other people talk. Value their opinions and make eye contact.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Get Help from a Money Coach

When it comes to money, most people can benefit greatly from a little bit of guidance. You probably know what a financial advisor or financial planner does. But there’s another professional you may want to add to your finance team: a money coach. Whereas financial advisors help clients manage and invest their money wisely, money coaches look at a client’s overall financial situation and help set financial goals— like creating a family budget, figuring out a debt payment schedule, or building a nest egg. Unlike financial advisors, financial coaches don’t need any official certification—many are social media influencers. Still, they can be helpful for people who want to have a better understanding of personal finance but don’t necessarily learn best by reading. Money coaches can turn the theoretical into practical advice focused on your specific situation. A money coach may be a good option for you if: • Thinking about money overwhelms you or gives you anxiety. • You’re going through a finance-changing life event. • You’re worried you won’t achieve goals (like buying a house).

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Dreams May Help Problem Solve

Did you know Paul McCartney composed “Yesterday” in a dream? Studies show that when you dream, you’re more open-minded and may see things from a different perspective. Here are two different approaches you might try to solve a problem or increase your creativity: 1. Clear your mind before you go to sleep. Read a book, talk about something else, go to sleep, and trust your subconscious. 2. Focus on the problem you want to resolve. Form it into a question (for example, “What should I say to have a successful meeting?”), write it down, and visualize a positive outcome. With either method, write down what you remember about your dreams when you wake up. They may be illogical, but the imagery or events could be a metaphor for a solution that relates to your problem. These techniques require a positive attitude and lots of practice, but they can help you! For further information, look up the work of dream psychologists, such as author Deirdre Barrett.