Monday, June 24, 2024

Help Build Healthy Habits

Physical • Exercise regularly as a family and make it fun! Go for evening walks in the park, take advantage of open swim days at the gym, and ride bikes together. • Eat a healthy diet. Start early with introducing a rainbow of produce and minimizing sugary snacks. Mental • Maintain – and reflect – a positive outlook. Kids mirror what they hear and see, so use positive reinforcement and praise appropriately. Celebrate your successes as well as theirs. • Keep screen time to a minimum. Sedentary behavior is known to increases risks for obesity and cardiovascular disease, and it’s not conducive to positive social or mental growth either. Set a daily limit for smartphone usage and stick to it. • Read every day. Incorporate this habit into playtime or bedtime routines to help build self-esteem and success later in life. Social • Encourage kids to explore a myriad of activities to find one (or more!) they really enjoy. Whether singing in a choir, playing soccer, taking language lessons, or volunteering with a youth group, kids will meet others with similar interests while also developing their self-identity. • Eat dinner as a family and use this opportunity to maintain open lines of communication with everyone around the table.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

4 Area Parks to Enjoy this Summer

A trip to one of our National Parks may be out of the question but there is no reason you can’t make memories right here in the Seattle area. Here are a few ideas to explore on a nice summer day! • Washington Park Arboretum – The Arboretum is a welcome oasis on the shores of Lake Washington jointly managed by Seattle Parks and the UW. 230 Acres of trees and plants found nowhere else in the NW. • Kubota Gardens – A work of art that will awaken a feeling of serenity, humility, and gratitude. Largest Japanese Garden in the region. 20 acres, 9 ponds, 2 red bridges and 140 maple varieties. • Lake Wilderness Park – Lake Wilderness Park is the crown jewel of Maple Valley. Enjoy their 117 acres with two creek systems, three wetlands, extensive wildlife and outstanding views of Maple Tree forests. • Discovery Park – 534 acre park in Magnolia with a lighthouse on the westernmost point. Amazing views and lots of native trees with a 11.8 mile trail system.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Car Accident Scam

From the crowded freeways to mall parking lots, con-artists are trying to swindle you into a costly accident that will impact your finances for years to come. With some awareness of the tricks they play, you can avoid these highway predators. 1. The classic “swoop and squat” maneuver. You are in tight traffic (slow morning commuter variety) suddenly a car passes you and cuts abruptly in front of the car you are following. This driver slams on his brakes and you rear-end his car. The best defense is to scan several cars ahead and keep a couple of car-lengths between you and those taillights in front of you. 2. The “drive-down” is commonly used in busy mall parking garages or merging freeway entrances. Another driver will wave you through and then punch the gas to ram into your vehicle. In the police report, the person claims they never waved you on and accuses you of reckless driving. To be safe, just surrender the right-of-way to the “wave-through” driver or be sure you have legal right-of-way. 3. Take special notice of erratic vehicles filled with riders. Predators love to get in staged accidents and file multiple claims. Always call the police if you get in an auto accident. A savvy habit is to carry a disposable camera in the glove compartment to photo-document any car damage or accident site.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Solve Problems in Your Dreams

Did you know Paul McCartney composed “Yesterday” in a dream? Studies show that when you dream, you’re more open-minded and may see things from a different perspective. Here are two different approaches you might try to solve a problem or increase your creativity: 1. Clear your mind before you go to sleep. Read a book, talk about something else, go to sleep, and trust your subconscious. 2. Focus on the problem you want to resolve. Form it into a question (for example, “What should I say to have a successful meeting?”), write it down, and visualize a positive outcome. With either method, write down what you remember about your dreams when you wake up. They may be illogical, but the imagery or events could be a metaphor for a solution that relates to your problem. These techniques require a positive attitude and lots of practice, but they can help you! For further information, look up the work of dream psychologists, such as author Deirdre Barrett.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Stress Relieving Tips

When we’re stressed, we’re less able to focus and we’re doing damage to our overall health. Here are some science-based methods for de-stressing quickly. • Breathe – Stress makes us take short breaths. Concentrate on deep breaths through the nose, exhaling through the mouth, for several minutes to increase oxygen flow and reduce tension. • Pattern Reset – Forcing your brain to focus on something else, such as the repetitive task of doing dishes or knitting, can help get your mind off whatever’s bothering you. • Go for a Walk – Not only will a 10-minute walk physically remove you from any stressful situation, the exercise releases stress-relieving endorphins in your brain. Dancing to your favorite song works, too. • Take an e-Break – We love technology, but it can also cause a huge amount of stress. Turn off your phone or computer to increase your ability to relax, and don’t leave your email inbox open all day. • Have a Snack – It’s important to be mindful about snacking (stress eating is nobody’s friend), but some nibbles can be helpful. Potassium can help modulate blood pressure, which can in turn reduce stress levels, so have a banana. Something like a handful of nuts offers a satisfying crunch and the energy your brain needs to get past the stress.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Can we develop charisma?

Yes, you can, says, D.A. Benton, author of Executive Charisma. Here are five skills you can practice to improve your charisma quotient. 1. Be confident. When introducing yourself say your name and then tell something about yourself. This helps to draw a question from the other person, and can lead the person into a conversation with you. 2. Walk with purpose. Pause before entering a room and project confidence as you walk into the room. 3. Use the double hand shake. When you shake someone’s hand, use the two-handed grasp. While shaking with right hand, your left hand grasps the person’s arm at or below the elbow. 4. Focus on your goal. Charismatic people know what they want and are passionate about it. Focus on what you want and how to get there. 5. Be a good listener. Listen when other people talk. Value their opinions and make eye contact.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ready In An Emergency

It’s always a good idea to have an emergency preparedness kit ready to grab at a moment’s notice. Some items are standard, regardless of who you are or where you live, such as a flashlight, first aid kit, and multi-purpose tool. Consider the specific needs of those in your family and geographical location as well. Find pre-made lists and help in building an emergency kit at and

Monday, June 3, 2024

Success at the Doctors Office

You can make your next appointment a stress-free success with a bit of preparation. Try these tips: • Take notes: If you’re having specific symptoms, keep a journal of the day-to-day changes. Add details like what you eat, what time, changes in mood or appetite, as any little detail might be important. If you’re taking medications, include those as well so your doctor is fully informed. Make notes, too, of questions you have for your doctor – your visit is a two-way conversation and you want to maximize both your own time and your doctor’s. • Timing is everything: Delays at the doctor’s office can increase feelings of anxiety and nervousness. If you can, make appointments first thing in the morning. That could help you avoid the inevitable delays as doctors see other patients and appointment times run over. Try to make sure your day is as free as possible so you don’t stress about your next task if you end up waiting. • Be honest: Not being entirely honest or withholding information from your doctor can be a detriment to you and your health. Remember: your doctor is there to help you. If you find you have a hard time actually saying something you’re embarrassed about–try practicing it out loud in a mirror before your appointment. • Be flexible: You may have a specific treatment in mind when you go into your appointment, but your doctor is a professional. It’s a good idea to at least listen to all the options.